The Gravest Danger to Humanity is Nuclear War Not Climate Change

A few decades ago, the idea that the climate was changing in ways that were dangerous to humanity was floated out of nowhere and suddenly, the entire planet was in a state of panic because supposedly we had very limited time to change our entire way of life before some calamity befell us.  No one was allowed to question the “experts” and anyone foolish enough to do so was labelled a climate denier and roundly ridiculed.  This alone should have been enough to raise suspicion because any scientific claim should be open to debate and should be provable through experiments that can be replicated.  This is science 101 which everyone should know and yet we continue to allow ourselves to be bullied by the people who claim to be the lords of science.  We saw this same tendency to bully anyone who tried to question “the science”, with the anti-vaxxer label being given to anyone who questioned the Covid vaccine dogma. The same people who caused panic with their climate change hysteria also gave us the solution: net-zero. According to the so called experts, we need to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions to zero in order to save the planet. This idea is so ridiculous, it is quite simply laughable. Anyone with even a basic knowledge of biology knows that this is a bad idea. The problem with human beings is that when we panic, we usually forget everything we know and believe without question what the “experts” tell us.

Some of us may be familiar with the oxygen/carbon dioxide cycle, which is whereby human beings take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide while plants take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen (during photosynthesis).  This balance between plants and humans ensures that the two coexist in balance and harmony.  The idea that human beings are enemies of nature or are not part of the cycle of life is a ridiculous idea that we are being deceived into accepting without question.  There is an aggressive push by the global elites to force us to accept the idea that we are foreign bodies that are separate from nature, a virus that needs to be controlled or eliminated.  Instead of seeing the planet as our God-given home, we are being asked to see ourselves as parasites that are upsetting the delicate balance of nature.  This is the same aggressive message that was pushed by Agenda 21 and is being pushed today by Agenda 2030 – that human activities like production, consumption and economic activities are inherently bad for nature.  This idea is being aggressively pushed at the grassroots level without people understanding what is being done.  The idea is to separate us from nature and cause us to see anything we do as bad for the environment.  The idea is to suppress our natural desire to thrive by limiting ourselves to a backward and simple existence.  This makes us much easier to control for the elites.  This is why we are being forced to give up fossil fuels without any viable alternative because apparently the environment thrives when we are cold, hungry and miserable.    

This is the same aggressive message that was pushed by Agenda 21 and is being pushed today by Agenda 2030 – that human activities like production, consumption and economic activities are inherently bad for nature.  This idea is being aggressively pushed at the grassroots level without people understanding what is being done. 

One of the main proponents of the climate change agenda is Bill Gates, that old philanthrocapitalist who has turned himself into an expert on everything from global public health to global agriculture to climate change.  In a Ted talk he gave some years back on CO2 reduction, Gates claimed that the following equation summarizes the pathway to net zero:

CO2= P x S x E x C


According to this equation which we are all supposed to accept without question, CO2 has to be reduced to zero in order to save the planet.  According to Gates, the experts say so and so naturally, it must be the gospel truth.  But as I pointed out at the beginning of this article, we must question what the experts say.  I’m not sure what kind of expert came up with such a ludicrous idea.  Without CO2 in the atmosphere, plants would not exist because they would not be able to carry out photosynthesis.  Why would we allow clowns like Bill Gates to lecture us on things they have no clue about?  We have developed such a culture of money worship on this planet that anyone who has a lot of money is automatically assumed to be superior in intelligence.  They must know something the rest of us don’t, which enabled them to accumulate such vast amounts of money.  In reality, the only qualification these people possess is ruthlessness and aggression.  This is what allows them to do whatever they need to do and step on whoever they need to step on in order to get to the top of the food chain.  It does not matter to billionaires like Bill Gates that the rest of the world has to wallow in poverty so that they get to keep their billions.  According to such people, that is exactly how the world should work and they have every right to take everything and leave nothing for everyone else.  Furthermore, in their view, their wealth gives them the right to tell the rest of us how to live our lives, hence the current push for a Global Reset, which is nothing more than a power grab by the elites.  If you believe that these people have our interests at heart or are capable of doing anything that benefits anyone other than themselves, you are being naïve and have not been paying attention. 

Coming back to the Gates equation, once we accept without question that CO2 has to be brought down to zero, the next step is to look at which of the four elements (P, S, E, C) can be reduced to zero in order to bring CO2 down to zero.  Gates deceptively makes a show of looking at each of the four elements, although any thinking person can see that S (Services), E (Energy) and C (CO2) all depend on P (People).  In other words, as long as there is P, we cannot reduce S, E or C to zero.  Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that P has to come down to zero for the equation to work.  This idea is subliminally communicated to us as it becomes increasingly clear that none of the other elements can be reduced to zero while there are people.  Once you watch this Ted talk, all the accusations about Gates having a depopulation agenda suddenly make sense.  This is a person who is so obsessed with the idea that human beings have to be eliminated from the planet that he dedicates an entire Ted talk to explaining this to us.  Because essentially, this is what he is saying even though he tries to couch it in all manner of scientific language.  As Jesus’ said: “let those who have ears hear.”  The elites keep telling us that we are not wanted or needed on this planet and we continue applauding them even as they say this in increasingly plain terms.  The so-called philosopher and intellectual Yuval Noah Harari has been telling us this for some time now.  Human beings are supposedly on the way to being made redundant by technology.  Can you imagine the sheer arrogance it takes for a person to tell billions of people that they will be rendered useless by technology because there will be no “jobs”?  Is this the only purpose human beings have, to work for the elites?  No wonder they call us human resources.  As far as they are concerned, humans only exist to serve them and therefore when AI and robots replace us in the workplace, there will be no more need for us to exist.  We will become “useless eaters” who only “play computer games”.  It never occurs to these people that AI and robots could make our life much easier, freeing us to pursue higher-level goals like self-actualization. No wonder all their future scenarios are dystopian since they cannot imagine a future in which everyone is healthy, wealthy and happy.  They keep fretting about overpopulation because their limited vision cannot allow them to imagine a future in which technological advances allow us to have all our needs met in new ways that are yet to be discovered.  The only future they imagine is one in which human beings fight for limited resources.  No wonder they want to kill us all, these no-imagination swamp creatures!

Who is Gates to tell us that we should be aiming at net zero?  What gives him the right to lecture humanity?  Is it because he has a lot of money?  Does his money give him the right to subject us to his ridiculous, insane ideas?  What has Gates ever accomplished with all his money that would give him the right to lecture humanity?  Everything Gates touches has been an unmitigated disaster, from the agricultural transformation of Africa to disease eradication in parts of Africa to research on GMO food.  One of the reasons the world was unable to come up with a “people’s vaccine” for Covid was because Gates quickly inserted himself in the process and insisted that intellectual property had to be respected.  All he was interested in was profit even during a pandemic.  The pharmaceutical industry has Gates to thank for the billions they raked in.  His greed for profit cannot allow him to do anything beneficial for humanity.  Now he has turned his attention to the great reset of food systems in the West and we should expect this to be as disastrous as everything else he does.  Is this the guy we want lecturing us about climate change?  How ironic that the same people claiming to want to transform the planet are the same people who have the most to lose from an end to the status quo.  In the end, all they do is give an appearance of action while in reality taking us round and round in a senseless merry-go-round that takes us nowhere.  These actions are only meant to preserve the structures that resulted in 1% of the population owning 82% of the global wealth.  We should automatically assume that anything they tell us is a lie meant to preserve the status quo.

While the corporate media is busy screaming about a non-existent climate change apocalypse that is supposedly right around the corner, no one is talking about the real danger facing humanity, i.e., the threat of nuclear war.  This is a much more immediate threat that we have been conditioned to ignore.  The reality is that as long as we have nuclear weapons on the planet, it is only a matter of time before we use them.  It is as simple as that.  We should not allow ourselves to be deceived into believing that nuclear-armed countries are spending all those billions of dollars on weapons without any plans to use them.  The only reason a country would have nuclear weapons is that they can foresee a situation in which nuclear war is the only option.  Humanity has allowed itself to be lulled into a false sense of security by the myth of nuclear weapons as a deterrence and the myth of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD).  The acronym itself says it all:  it would be MAD to assume that no one would be insane enough to use nuclear weapons because of mutually assured destruction.  This naïve idea does not take into account that the people running the world and making the most important decisions on the planet are insane, child-abusing psychopaths.  One only has to look at how the United States and NATO are currently engaged in provocative actions against Russia to realise that these people have no limits to what they can do.  How long before these provocations turn into an actual war between nuclear-armed nations?  The fact that we are busy fretting about climate change while psychopathic world leaders threaten nuclear war is simply incomprehensible.

The acronym itself says it all:  it would be MAD to assume that no one would be insane enough to use nuclear weapons because of mutually assured destruction.  This naïve idea does not take into account that the people running the world and making the most important decisions on the planet are insane, child-abusing psychopaths

Why aren’t we more concerned about nuclear war even though it is the most imminent threat to our survival?  It is because the powers that be have deliberately minimized the danger of nuclear war in the collective consciousness because this is the only way they get to keep their nuclear arsenals and continue projecting their power.  Nuclear weapons allow the power-hungry elites to bully everyone into submission with no accountability.  These people are not about to give up this level of power easily.  The reason the West led by the United States can strut around the globe doing whatever they want, forcing everyone to abide by their “rules-based order” is because of the power these nuclear weapons afford them.  Without the nuclear weapon, their words would be nothing more than the pathetic rantings of spoilt brats that no one would have to listen to.  With nuclear weapons, whatever they say is backed up by the massive threat these weapons represent.  The corporate media never draws our attention to the very real threat posed by nuclear weapons except in ways that cast some countries (North Korea, Iran) as rogue nations that are the only real threats.  Once these nations get rid of their nuclear weapons we are told, then the world will be free of nuclear threats. We are supposed to believe that the West is the sole party that is responsible enough to bear nuclear weapons, even though we all know that the United States is the only country to ever have used nuclear weapons on another country.  The corporate media never challenges the idea that some countries are allowed to have nuclear weapons while others are not.  Who decided this?  What makes the United States, Russia, China, France and Britain so special?  It is this very special status as the “official” nuclear countries that has allowed these five countries to dominate the United Nations and either drive or sabotage whatever agenda they choose.  How can we ever hope to live in a just world when just five nations are allowed to dictate the agenda of a body like the UN?  Not many people know today that the United Nations passed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in 2021 which prohibits nations from developing, testing, producing, manufacturing, transferring, possessing, stockpiling, using or threatening to use nuclear weapons, or allowing nuclear weapons to be stationed on their territory.  The corporate media does not talk about this.  A majority of countries have signed the treaty, but several countries including all the nuclear-armed countries have refused to sign the treaty.  If more people knew about this treaty, they would pressure their governments to ratify it.

The Western world is currently engaged in a proxy war with Russia that is playing out in Ukraine.  Every day, Russia issues veiled threats about the use of nuclear weapons which the West doesn’t seem to care about.  Meanwhile, the United States and NATO are doing everything in their power to escalate and prolong the war.  Every day that the war is fought represents another day that the safety of humanity hangs in the balance.  Russia has just taken steps to escalate the war, meaning they are starting to face the fact that the war is with NATO, not Ukraine.  The West doesn’t seem to care and is sending ever more deadly weapons to Ukraine.  At the same time, the West is involved in risky escalations with China over Taiwan.  It seems that as the West loses its control over the planet, it is becoming more and more dangerous and willing to do ever more insane things.  One would be excused for thinking that the West is trying to start World War 3 against Russia and China simultaneously.  This is the only logical conclusion we can draw from the West’s actions.  The West is so used to being the dominant actor on the global stage that they would rather blow everything up than allow anyone else to take this position.  At the same time, it is becoming increasingly harder for the global elites to hide their crimes, from the JFK assassination to 9-11 to the covid-19 global coup.  This makes them extremely dangerous.   What will it take for Westerners to finally confront their governments and say no to this madness?  While they are usually quick to take to the streets to protest everything from abortion to racism to inflation, they do not seem to care that their leaders are trying to start World War 3.  What they should understand is that this time, the violence will not be limited to faraway places while they sleep safely in their warm beds. 

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