Author Archives: alicekarwitha

About alicekarwitha


The Gravest Danger to Humanity is Nuclear War Not Climate Change

A few decades ago, the idea that the climate was changing in ways that were dangerous to humanity was floated out of nowhere and suddenly, the entire planet was in a state of panic because supposedly we had very limited time to change our entire way of life before some calamity befell us.  No one was allowed to question the “experts” and anyone foolish enough to do so was labelled a climate denier and roundly ridiculed.  This alone should have been enough to raise suspicion because any scientific claim should be open to debate and should be provable through experiments that can be replicated.  This is science 101 which everyone should know and yet we continue to allow ourselves to be bullied by the people who claim to be the lords of science.  We saw this same tendency to bully anyone who tried to question “the science”, with the anti-vaxxer label being given to anyone who questioned the Covid vaccine dogma. The same people who caused panic with their climate change hysteria also gave us the solution: net-zero. According to the so called experts, we need to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions to zero in order to save the planet. This idea is so ridiculous, it is quite simply laughable. Anyone with even a basic knowledge of biology knows that this is a bad idea. The problem with human beings is that when we panic, we usually forget everything we know and believe without question what the “experts” tell us.

Some of us may be familiar with the oxygen/carbon dioxide cycle, which is whereby human beings take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide while plants take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen (during photosynthesis).  This balance between plants and humans ensures that the two coexist in balance and harmony.  The idea that human beings are enemies of nature or are not part of the cycle of life is a ridiculous idea that we are being deceived into accepting without question.  There is an aggressive push by the global elites to force us to accept the idea that we are foreign bodies that are separate from nature, a virus that needs to be controlled or eliminated.  Instead of seeing the planet as our God-given home, we are being asked to see ourselves as parasites that are upsetting the delicate balance of nature.  This is the same aggressive message that was pushed by Agenda 21 and is being pushed today by Agenda 2030 – that human activities like production, consumption and economic activities are inherently bad for nature.  This idea is being aggressively pushed at the grassroots level without people understanding what is being done.  The idea is to separate us from nature and cause us to see anything we do as bad for the environment.  The idea is to suppress our natural desire to thrive by limiting ourselves to a backward and simple existence.  This makes us much easier to control for the elites.  This is why we are being forced to give up fossil fuels without any viable alternative because apparently the environment thrives when we are cold, hungry and miserable.    

This is the same aggressive message that was pushed by Agenda 21 and is being pushed today by Agenda 2030 – that human activities like production, consumption and economic activities are inherently bad for nature.  This idea is being aggressively pushed at the grassroots level without people understanding what is being done. 

One of the main proponents of the climate change agenda is Bill Gates, that old philanthrocapitalist who has turned himself into an expert on everything from global public health to global agriculture to climate change.  In a Ted talk he gave some years back on CO2 reduction, Gates claimed that the following equation summarizes the pathway to net zero:

CO2= P x S x E x C


According to this equation which we are all supposed to accept without question, CO2 has to be reduced to zero in order to save the planet.  According to Gates, the experts say so and so naturally, it must be the gospel truth.  But as I pointed out at the beginning of this article, we must question what the experts say.  I’m not sure what kind of expert came up with such a ludicrous idea.  Without CO2 in the atmosphere, plants would not exist because they would not be able to carry out photosynthesis.  Why would we allow clowns like Bill Gates to lecture us on things they have no clue about?  We have developed such a culture of money worship on this planet that anyone who has a lot of money is automatically assumed to be superior in intelligence.  They must know something the rest of us don’t, which enabled them to accumulate such vast amounts of money.  In reality, the only qualification these people possess is ruthlessness and aggression.  This is what allows them to do whatever they need to do and step on whoever they need to step on in order to get to the top of the food chain.  It does not matter to billionaires like Bill Gates that the rest of the world has to wallow in poverty so that they get to keep their billions.  According to such people, that is exactly how the world should work and they have every right to take everything and leave nothing for everyone else.  Furthermore, in their view, their wealth gives them the right to tell the rest of us how to live our lives, hence the current push for a Global Reset, which is nothing more than a power grab by the elites.  If you believe that these people have our interests at heart or are capable of doing anything that benefits anyone other than themselves, you are being naïve and have not been paying attention. 

Coming back to the Gates equation, once we accept without question that CO2 has to be brought down to zero, the next step is to look at which of the four elements (P, S, E, C) can be reduced to zero in order to bring CO2 down to zero.  Gates deceptively makes a show of looking at each of the four elements, although any thinking person can see that S (Services), E (Energy) and C (CO2) all depend on P (People).  In other words, as long as there is P, we cannot reduce S, E or C to zero.  Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that P has to come down to zero for the equation to work.  This idea is subliminally communicated to us as it becomes increasingly clear that none of the other elements can be reduced to zero while there are people.  Once you watch this Ted talk, all the accusations about Gates having a depopulation agenda suddenly make sense.  This is a person who is so obsessed with the idea that human beings have to be eliminated from the planet that he dedicates an entire Ted talk to explaining this to us.  Because essentially, this is what he is saying even though he tries to couch it in all manner of scientific language.  As Jesus’ said: “let those who have ears hear.”  The elites keep telling us that we are not wanted or needed on this planet and we continue applauding them even as they say this in increasingly plain terms.  The so-called philosopher and intellectual Yuval Noah Harari has been telling us this for some time now.  Human beings are supposedly on the way to being made redundant by technology.  Can you imagine the sheer arrogance it takes for a person to tell billions of people that they will be rendered useless by technology because there will be no “jobs”?  Is this the only purpose human beings have, to work for the elites?  No wonder they call us human resources.  As far as they are concerned, humans only exist to serve them and therefore when AI and robots replace us in the workplace, there will be no more need for us to exist.  We will become “useless eaters” who only “play computer games”.  It never occurs to these people that AI and robots could make our life much easier, freeing us to pursue higher-level goals like self-actualization. No wonder all their future scenarios are dystopian since they cannot imagine a future in which everyone is healthy, wealthy and happy.  They keep fretting about overpopulation because their limited vision cannot allow them to imagine a future in which technological advances allow us to have all our needs met in new ways that are yet to be discovered.  The only future they imagine is one in which human beings fight for limited resources.  No wonder they want to kill us all, these no-imagination swamp creatures!

Who is Gates to tell us that we should be aiming at net zero?  What gives him the right to lecture humanity?  Is it because he has a lot of money?  Does his money give him the right to subject us to his ridiculous, insane ideas?  What has Gates ever accomplished with all his money that would give him the right to lecture humanity?  Everything Gates touches has been an unmitigated disaster, from the agricultural transformation of Africa to disease eradication in parts of Africa to research on GMO food.  One of the reasons the world was unable to come up with a “people’s vaccine” for Covid was because Gates quickly inserted himself in the process and insisted that intellectual property had to be respected.  All he was interested in was profit even during a pandemic.  The pharmaceutical industry has Gates to thank for the billions they raked in.  His greed for profit cannot allow him to do anything beneficial for humanity.  Now he has turned his attention to the great reset of food systems in the West and we should expect this to be as disastrous as everything else he does.  Is this the guy we want lecturing us about climate change?  How ironic that the same people claiming to want to transform the planet are the same people who have the most to lose from an end to the status quo.  In the end, all they do is give an appearance of action while in reality taking us round and round in a senseless merry-go-round that takes us nowhere.  These actions are only meant to preserve the structures that resulted in 1% of the population owning 82% of the global wealth.  We should automatically assume that anything they tell us is a lie meant to preserve the status quo.

While the corporate media is busy screaming about a non-existent climate change apocalypse that is supposedly right around the corner, no one is talking about the real danger facing humanity, i.e., the threat of nuclear war.  This is a much more immediate threat that we have been conditioned to ignore.  The reality is that as long as we have nuclear weapons on the planet, it is only a matter of time before we use them.  It is as simple as that.  We should not allow ourselves to be deceived into believing that nuclear-armed countries are spending all those billions of dollars on weapons without any plans to use them.  The only reason a country would have nuclear weapons is that they can foresee a situation in which nuclear war is the only option.  Humanity has allowed itself to be lulled into a false sense of security by the myth of nuclear weapons as a deterrence and the myth of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD).  The acronym itself says it all:  it would be MAD to assume that no one would be insane enough to use nuclear weapons because of mutually assured destruction.  This naïve idea does not take into account that the people running the world and making the most important decisions on the planet are insane, child-abusing psychopaths.  One only has to look at how the United States and NATO are currently engaged in provocative actions against Russia to realise that these people have no limits to what they can do.  How long before these provocations turn into an actual war between nuclear-armed nations?  The fact that we are busy fretting about climate change while psychopathic world leaders threaten nuclear war is simply incomprehensible.

The acronym itself says it all:  it would be MAD to assume that no one would be insane enough to use nuclear weapons because of mutually assured destruction.  This naïve idea does not take into account that the people running the world and making the most important decisions on the planet are insane, child-abusing psychopaths

Why aren’t we more concerned about nuclear war even though it is the most imminent threat to our survival?  It is because the powers that be have deliberately minimized the danger of nuclear war in the collective consciousness because this is the only way they get to keep their nuclear arsenals and continue projecting their power.  Nuclear weapons allow the power-hungry elites to bully everyone into submission with no accountability.  These people are not about to give up this level of power easily.  The reason the West led by the United States can strut around the globe doing whatever they want, forcing everyone to abide by their “rules-based order” is because of the power these nuclear weapons afford them.  Without the nuclear weapon, their words would be nothing more than the pathetic rantings of spoilt brats that no one would have to listen to.  With nuclear weapons, whatever they say is backed up by the massive threat these weapons represent.  The corporate media never draws our attention to the very real threat posed by nuclear weapons except in ways that cast some countries (North Korea, Iran) as rogue nations that are the only real threats.  Once these nations get rid of their nuclear weapons we are told, then the world will be free of nuclear threats. We are supposed to believe that the West is the sole party that is responsible enough to bear nuclear weapons, even though we all know that the United States is the only country to ever have used nuclear weapons on another country.  The corporate media never challenges the idea that some countries are allowed to have nuclear weapons while others are not.  Who decided this?  What makes the United States, Russia, China, France and Britain so special?  It is this very special status as the “official” nuclear countries that has allowed these five countries to dominate the United Nations and either drive or sabotage whatever agenda they choose.  How can we ever hope to live in a just world when just five nations are allowed to dictate the agenda of a body like the UN?  Not many people know today that the United Nations passed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in 2021 which prohibits nations from developing, testing, producing, manufacturing, transferring, possessing, stockpiling, using or threatening to use nuclear weapons, or allowing nuclear weapons to be stationed on their territory.  The corporate media does not talk about this.  A majority of countries have signed the treaty, but several countries including all the nuclear-armed countries have refused to sign the treaty.  If more people knew about this treaty, they would pressure their governments to ratify it.

The Western world is currently engaged in a proxy war with Russia that is playing out in Ukraine.  Every day, Russia issues veiled threats about the use of nuclear weapons which the West doesn’t seem to care about.  Meanwhile, the United States and NATO are doing everything in their power to escalate and prolong the war.  Every day that the war is fought represents another day that the safety of humanity hangs in the balance.  Russia has just taken steps to escalate the war, meaning they are starting to face the fact that the war is with NATO, not Ukraine.  The West doesn’t seem to care and is sending ever more deadly weapons to Ukraine.  At the same time, the West is involved in risky escalations with China over Taiwan.  It seems that as the West loses its control over the planet, it is becoming more and more dangerous and willing to do ever more insane things.  One would be excused for thinking that the West is trying to start World War 3 against Russia and China simultaneously.  This is the only logical conclusion we can draw from the West’s actions.  The West is so used to being the dominant actor on the global stage that they would rather blow everything up than allow anyone else to take this position.  At the same time, it is becoming increasingly harder for the global elites to hide their crimes, from the JFK assassination to 9-11 to the covid-19 global coup.  This makes them extremely dangerous.   What will it take for Westerners to finally confront their governments and say no to this madness?  While they are usually quick to take to the streets to protest everything from abortion to racism to inflation, they do not seem to care that their leaders are trying to start World War 3.  What they should understand is that this time, the violence will not be limited to faraway places while they sleep safely in their warm beds. 

Excerpt from my upcoming book: ENDING WAR

Chapter 7: Personal Responsibility

One of the most unfortunate things about war is that the people who fight are ordinary people who somehow become convinced that they need to take up arms against an external enemy who presents an existential threat.  Wars are not fought by the elites who pass the laws and make the decisions that send people to the battlefield.  They are not fought by the politicians who decide that a certain country presents a threat that needs to be neutralized or by the journalists who write opinion pieces glorifying war.  They are not fought by the think tanks who come up with slick arguments in support of war or by the weapons manufacturers who churn out the instruments of death.  They are fought by ordinary people who are brainwashed into blindly and unquestioningly believing what they are told.  The soldiers who sacrifice their lives on the battlefield are unfortunately seen as nothing more than a mass of disposable bodies that are used to forward the agendas of the elites.  Their lives mean nothing to the people who send them out to die.  They are treated as nothing more than numbers, not people with families, dreams, ambitions and a higher purpose.  The death of a soldier is not viewed as a tragic and avoidable loss of life but as an expected consequence of war.  Since the work of a soldier is to fight an enemy who is just as determined as they are to kill before getting killed, the death of a soldier is deemed a normal and acceptable part of war.  While the death of civilians is treated as regrettable and to be avoided at all costs, the death of a soldier is treated as if it is unimportant. This dehumanization is what allows wars to continue and we have all been brainwashed into accepting this as normal. 

War is nothing more than a scam that makes billions of dollars for certain people.  This is something that is acknowledged even by former soldiers who connect the dots once they see the reality of war and how meaningless it is.  When they compare the propaganda they were fed during training with the reality on the battlefield, those who are capable of reflection usually end up with moral injury.  They discover that the ideals they thought they were fighting for are nothing more than a mirage that completely vanishes on the battlefield.  Unfortunately, this reality of war is rarely talked about in the mainstream media that is completely captured by the war complex.  The ordinary person is only exposed to the narrative that calls for more and more war and rarely gets to hear any opposing ideas.  The only way we will come out of this rabbit hole is by people taking responsibility for themselves and thinking for themselves.  We have to reject the idea that we are nothing more than bodies that can be used to serve the agendas of the elites.

Should you join the military?

If people knew the truth about the war industry, no one would ever volunteer to join the military which is why they go to such great lengths to hide the reality of it.  The military is sold as a noble institution and working for the military is portrayed as a heroic service to your country, an act of valour which protects our freedom and democracy.  In the West, the military is supposedly the institution that guarantees Western hegemony, which in turn maintains the so-called “rules-based order”.  It is assumed that this rules-based order is what we all want, even though no one ever tells us what these rules are, who wrote them and why we should obey them.  A military “career” – if killing people can be considered a career – is seen as prestigious and lucrative, with benefits that include travel to various exotic locations around the world.  But nobody tells the young men and women who join the military exactly what they are signing up for.  Before you decide to join the military, you need to understand that it is not an adventure that opens doors for you to explore the world and earn good money while you’re at it.  It is important to consider all the facts, not just what the PR machine churns out.  The thing no one mentions when they carry out their recruitment exercises is that joining the military is akin to signing a contract with the devil.  You are committing not only to killing people when called upon to do so but also sacrificing your own life in case you end up on the wrong side of the barrel.  Before signing such a contract, ask yourself if you are okay with that.  It’s not just about the money and the adventure but about the deeper questions that arise from such a commitment.  Is killing people something you agree with or would even think of doing in the normal course of life?  If not, why sign up for a career that requires you to do just that?  Such ethical questions are never addressed during the recruitment exercise.  This is about taking responsibility for yourself and the decisions you make.  You cannot wait until the day you find yourself on the battlefield to start asking questions.  When you join the military, you need to understand what you are signing up for.  You have to see beyond the enticements and see clearly what you will be getting yourself into.  Do not be fooled by the rosy picture of travelling the world and earning a good living for yourself and your family.  At some point, you will be called upon to fight, meaning you will be required to kill other people who are also trying to kill you.  This is what the military is at its core.  If you have watched a war movie, you know that the battlefield is a horrible mess of blood and gore.  Why would you consciously subject yourself to this?   Why would you volunteer for this when no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to do so?  Is any amount of money worth the psychological suffering you will experience after seeing the reality of what war entails?  Are you ready to give up your limbs in service to someone else’s delusional and insane agenda?   Because the idea that war is a noble service to society is pure lunatic ideology.  Everything they tell us to justify war is pure propaganda and lies. We have been manipulated into believing that there is an enemy out there trying to destroy us when in reality the enmity is dreamt up by the very people who ask us to fight.  It is all for their benefit. 

The thing no one mentions when they carry out their recruitment exercises is that joining the military is akin to signing a contract with the devil.  You are committing not only to killing people when called upon to do so but also sacrificing your own life in case you end up on the wrong side of the barrel.  Before signing such a contract, ask yourself if you are okay with that. 

If you are lucky enough to escape death or bodily injuries on the battlefield, you need to consider the psychological wounds you are likely to suffer once you experience war.  Killing does not come naturally to most human beings and hence you cannot escape the consequences of going against your God-given nature.  When you kill others, you may tell yourself that you have done nothing wrong because we have been taught to justify evil for the “greater good”.   But the reality is that when you hurt others, you are hurting yourself first and foremost because we are all connected.  We have been taught to see ourselves not as spiritual beings but as slightly advanced animals.  But this is not true.  We are extensions of our creator and we are all connected at inner levels.  This is why many soldiers simply fall apart when they leave the battlefield.  We know that many soldiers suffer from depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when they leave the battlefield.  They experience guilt, grief, regret and inner torment for their part in the war.  Many of them experience moral injury as a result of the things they saw on the battlefield.  These are the real effects of their attempt to deny their spiritual nature and the spiritual nature of those they harmed who are also created in God’s image.  The resulting trauma is undeniable, which is why we have high levels of suicide among soldiers.  The military of course pretends to study the cause of these suicides while ignoring the obvious cause which is that human beings are not wired to be killers. 

The other thing no one ever tells you when they recruit you into the military is that sexual assault and harassment are rampant within the military.   Why would you join an institution where your chances of being sexually assaulted are much higher than if you stayed out?  Why would you take an action that is against your own self-interest?  The military is a den of the worst human beings on earth and you need to be aware of this before you sign up.  The majority of people who join the military are decent people who unfortunately become deceived by the PR machine into believing that they are serving their country.  But we would be naïve not to expect that sociopaths would be attracted to a career in the military because it offers them the opportunity to harm people and get paid for it.  Therefore, before you join the military, be aware that you are joining an institution that is home to some of the worst people on the planet.  You can expect behaviours that are normally associated with sociopaths to be rampant in the military.   Before you sign that contract, ask yourself what the consequences will be for you personally.  Forget what everyone tells you.  Once you join the military, you will be on your own facing the consequences of your choices.   There will be no one to blame for whatever happens on the battlefield because no one forced you to join the military.  And if you think you will be able to quit if you don’t like it, think again.  The military is not an institution you can simply walk away from like any other institution.  You don’t get to quit just because you don’t like it.  You will have to see your contract through to the end.  Therefore, think twice, thrice, a hundred times before you decide to join the military. 


Raise your awareness

One of the biggest problems we face concerning war is that most ordinary people simply feel that it has nothing to do with them.  We are programmed to believe that such topics are best left to the experts and that we have nothing to contribute.  The so-called “experts”, unfortunately, only lead us in one direction which is more war.  Their only qualification, in reality, is that they are the most aggressive people on the planet and therefore their voices are the loudest.  These people speak out aggressively and authoritatively about war, making everyone else feel as if they have nothing important to say.  We are made to feel as if our opinions do not matter.  Our opinions are made to look naïve and uninformed, so most of us simply lose interest and stop focusing on such issues, leaving the “experts” to say whatever they want.  The reality is that war is not a complicated subject that the average person cannot understand.  The reason we are made to feel like we don’t understand this subject is that the logic used to justify war is fallen logic, where good is made to appear evil and evil is made to appear good.  As an example, in the Russia-Ukraine war we are told that the West is sending massive amounts of weapons to Ukraine to support freedom and democracy in that country.  This doesn’t make sense.  We know logically that sending weapons to Ukraine only worsens and prolongs the war.  We are also told that the West is leading an economic offensive to punish Russia, even though we can see that the sanctions are only causing suffering to the West and the entire planet.  This action is completely illogical.  Because the logic used to justify war does not follow common sense, we are made to feel that it is too complicated for the average person to understand.  If anyone attempts to challenge this logic, they are viciously attacked and accused of all manner of things, which serves the purpose of silencing dissent and discouraging people from expressing their opinions for fear of being attacked.  This is the main reason why the topic of war is dominated by the most aggressive voices that keep the planet permanently at war.

As an example, in the Russia-Ukraine war we are told that the West is sending massive amounts of weapons to Ukraine to support freedom and democracy in that country.  This doesn’t make sense.  We know logically that sending weapons to Ukraine only worsens and prolongs the war. 

What is your responsibility in all this?  It is to keep yourself informed on what is happening on the planet and trust your ability to understand and form an intelligent opinion.  Read extensively on the wars that are currently taking place and find out what the issues are.  Use your common sense to form opinions and draw your own conclusions.  You do not need to rely on the opinions of so-called “experts” because chances are that the opinions expressed by these experts are the opposite of what common sense dictates.  The people currently in positions of authority making the most important decisions on the planet are the least qualified to do so which is why they must make whatever they do sound complicated.  Anyone with common sense can understand whatever is happening on the planet and make logical conclusions.  Your responsibility is to educate yourself and use your logic to understand war.  It is not too complicated:  war = bad; peace = good.  Anyone who tries to spin this any other way is outright lying to us and we have no obligation to listen to them.


Let your voice be heard

One of major problem facing the anti-war movement is that anti-war voices are not being heard.  The aggressive narratives promoting war are the only ones being heard, mainly because such narratives are amplified by the mainstream media.  As a result, even though most ordinary people do not want war, we continue having wars because our voices are not heard.  Any anti-war voice is portrayed as naïve and unrealistic.  Aggression and violence are normalized while being anti-war is made to look like a radical, unusual idea.  The word “pacifist” is a dirty word in today’s politics.  The few voices that attempt to speak out against war are viciously attacked.  This state of affairs has become so outrageous that even though we are one miscalculation away from nuclear war, no one seems interested in talking about peace.  In the United Kingdom, it has become customary for anyone aspiring to become prime minister to unequivocally state that they are willing to use nuclear weapons.  Nuclear war seems almost inevitable at this point.   We remain silent because our world has been turned into a place where being aggressive is normal while being rational and cautious is abnormal.  Those who oppose war must start to speak out otherwise our planet will be destroyed by people who have lost the ability to think rationally.  Your responsibility, therefore, is to let your voice be heard.  Speak out against war and be silent no more.  If enough of us speak out, then we will eventually drown out the voices of the minority who are the loudest and most aggressive.  There are many ways to speak out; you only need to be creative and do what you’re comfortable with.  You could start a blog in which you talk about war or you could write an article or two about war in an existing blog.  You could write letters to your local politician expressing your views.  You could write letters to your local newspaper.  You could take it upon yourself to forward any interesting anti-war articles or videos to your social media groups. 

As you speak out, remember to raise awareness about the prospect of nuclear war we are currently facing.  We are in an extremely precarious position but the world doesn’t seem to notice.  We have unfortunately been lulled into a false sense of security by the myth of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), which is nothing more than a lie that keeps us passive.  We have been led to believe that nuclear war can never happen because no one would be insane enough to risk mutually assured destruction.  But we know for a fact that we have psychopaths in positions of power who would not hesitate to destroy the entire planet if pushed to a corner.  We know that many elites today are building underground bunkers in preparation for some sort of apocalypse.  Why do you think that is?  What do they know that the rest of us don’t?  We must understand that the ruling elites do not see themselves as one with the rest of us, which is why they would prepare underground bunkers to protect themselves while not caring about the rest of us.  Rather than do the sensible thing which is use their power, wealth and influence to avert such a catastrophe, what they are doing instead is preparing to burrow underground like the rats they are while the rest of us are destroyed.  This is the mentality these people have and they are the ones currently controlling the planet.  Going by their behaviour, I would say that nuclear war is imminent.   As long as the world remains silent under the false belief that nuclear war could never happen, we are simply sleepwalking towards our collective annihilation.  Therefore, make it a part of your speaking out efforts to talk about the potential for nuclear war and the need to ban nuclear weapons from the planet.

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Abortion: Beyond Pro-life and Pro-choice Narratives

The pro-life and pro-choice narratives have been used to describe the very complex topic of abortion and it is time we started questioning this.  Any time you find a complex topic being narrowed down into two opposing narratives, you should immediately smell a rat because you can be sure that someone somewhere is taking advantage of the ensuing division.  In the case of abortion, the polarization has greatly benefitted politicians who take advantage of people’s almost cult-like belief in whichever side they happen to believe in.  In the US, abortion has been raised in status to almost the single most important issue during elections.  Many people there vote for candidates based on this one issue, with considerations such as integrity or other more important issues fading into the background. 

Abortion has been portrayed as a black or white issue with only two possible angles from which it can be viewed.  You are either for it or against it.  There is nothing in between.  There is no space for a nuanced view of such a complex topic.  This extremist view can only cause division while the real issues get lost somewhere therein.  It’s interesting to note the complete lack of compassion in the debate.  We might as well be talking about an inanimate object for all the compassion that is shown.  While the debate is supposed to be about the rights of women, the result has unfortunately been to reduce women to simple, uncomplicated beings who need to be told what to do with their bodies.  The debate has become about two opposing views fighting for supremacy and the woman who is supposedly being fought for has somehow faded into the background.  A woman’s fertility is not and never has been a political issue.  And yet it has been politicized and turned into a battleground that doesn’t seem to have anything to do with women anymore.  Are we still talking about helping women control reproduction?  If we are, why is abortion the only option on the table?   We have to focus our attention on women and ask ourselves what they want and what they need.  We also need to look at the false narratives and assumptions that are preventing us from holistically looking at this issue.  As long as the foundation on which we base our argument is wrong, we cannot expect to arrive at the right conclusions.

The debate has become about two opposing views fighting for supremacy and the woman who is supposedly being fought for has somehow faded into the background. 

Someone once said that if you want to keep people passive and obedient, all you need to do is strictly limit the parameters of acceptable opinion and then allow lively debate within these parameters.  This gives people the impression that there is freedom of speech while reinforcing the system that creates these limitations.  This is what has happened with the abortion “debate”.  The only thing we are allowed to talk about is whether we are pro-life or pro-choice.  These are the parameters that define almost every discussion on abortion.  The truth is that there are many different ways to look at this issue and the right conclusion can only be arrived at by considering all the angles rather than forcing people to choose a side.

False assumptions

The abortion debate is based on several false assumptions.  For example, the question of when life begins has been used to determine when it is acceptable to have an abortion and when it becomes unacceptable.  But the idea that life “begins” is itself a false assumption that immediately sends the debate in the wrong direction.  The reality is that life is an ongoing process that does not begin or end when one enters or exits the planet.  Once we understand that a person does not start existing at the point of birth and will not cease to exist at the point of death, then we can start looking at abortion with more rationality and without the hysteria.  Many of us have an inner knowing about the ongoingness of life, hence the concept of previous lifetimes.  The concept of reincarnation is held by many people although it is very much denied in the Christian religion.  If we could only be open to this idea, we would start seeing through the false assumptions that underline the abortion debate.   Once we understand that people are constantly coming into embodiment and leaving embodiment, then we will understand that life does not begin at conception or some point thereafter.  The person who is being born already existed before they entered into embodiment.  The answer, therefore, lies in looking at human beings as spiritual beings and life as an ongoing process of birth and rebirth that allows us to have different experiences that lead to our growth.

The abortion debate is based on a lack of understanding of what a human being is.  One of the central questions of the abortion debate is whether the foetus is a human being or a mass of cells.  This is the result of a materialistic way of looking at human beings.  If you think about it, this very mindset is the source of many of the problems on this planet, from racism to inequality.  When we look at human beings as if they are nothing more than the bodies in which they reside, we cannot help but treat them differently based on their outward, observable features.  But when we acknowledge that human beings are spiritual beings and the bodies we occupy are simply the vehicles that allow us to interact with the physical realm, we can then be ready to look at the abortion debate in a higher way.  If we consider the fact that “we are made in God’s image”, then we realize that God is not a physical being but a spiritual being.  This is the mystery behind the idea that we are made in God’s image.  We are spiritual beings like our creator and we do not have our beginning or end on this planet but we have an existence beyond this planet.  Therefore, the question of whether life begins at fertilization or after the cells start multiplying is a false narrative that is used to confuse people and trap them in a lower way of looking at things. 

It has been said that you cannot solve a problem at the same level of consciousness in which it was created.  You have to go to a higher level of consciousness to solve the problem.  People are obsessed with exactly when life begins.  Pro-life advocates insist that it is at fertilisation while pro-choice advocates insist that it is at birth.  None of these positions is correct.  As mentioned earlier, this argument comes from a lack of understanding of what a human being is.  A human being is not the body they inhabit, therefore asking when life begins is asking the wrong question.  Am I, therefore, saying that the body does not matter?  Of course not, the body matters because it is the vessel that enables us to exist in this world.  My purpose is to correct the foundation on which the abortion debate is based.   Once the foundation is correct, then you can hope to arrive at the right conclusion, not by looking at the issue simplistically as is currently being done but by considering all the assumptions that go into discussion.

The free will of the mother

Pro-life advocates and some governments insist that the foetus has a right to be born.  Once conception takes place, the woman has set herself on an unstoppable path and she has no choice but to bring the child into embodiment.  But if we look at the issue from the standpoint that the child already existed even before they were born, we realize that bringing the child into embodiment is something a woman takes upon herself as a loving act of service towards the child.  Bringing up a child is not a joke as I pointed out in my previous article.  Bringing a child into the world is a commitment you make to spending a large chunk of your life supporting the child in order to allow them to experience life on this planet.  This is not a small matter and therefore it cannot be forced upon anyone. If a woman falls pregnant by accident and for whatever reason feels that they are not ready to commit to bringing up the child, then no one can or should force them to do so.  The foetus does not have a right to be born by someone unwilling to do so.  If we lived in an ideal world, there would never be the question of anyone becoming pregnant against their will.  Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world and many people do get pregnant against their wish.  It is therefore an unfortunate fact of life that many women do need to get an abortion to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.  This is the area we need to be focusing on: why is it that women are still unable to control reproduction today and still find themselves needing abortions?  We have to look at this issue in the long term and come up with better solutions for women.  But the underlying fact is that the foetus does not have a right to be born by a woman who in some way is unable or unwilling to take on the task.

Right to choose?

Pro-choice advocates often talk about a woman’s right to choose.  A woman indeed has a right to choose, but this should not be confused with a woman’s right to an abortion.  These are two completely different things.  A woman’s right to choose is often portrayed as the same thing as a woman’s right to an abortion but they are not the same thing.  Abortion is just one means by which we enable a woman to control reproduction, but it is not the only way or even the best way.  We need to separate these two issues in our minds.  Those who supposedly fight for a woman’s right to choose are not giving her much choice.  They present abortion as the only option while glossing over any other options that might make abortion unnecessary.  It is almost as if abortion has developed a life of its own and become an end in itself, not a means to an end.  Have we forgotten that the real goal is to help a woman choose when and how many children she wants to have?  What other options exist for women?  What about birth control?  Why aren’t we out there fighting for free, safe, government-provided birth control if we are serious about a woman’s right to choose?  Why do we have tunnel vision that leads to abortion as the only thing that guarantees a woman’s right to choose?  I don’t think any woman sets out purposefully to have an abortion.  Women look for abortions only because they find themselves cornered with a pregnancy they do not want.  How can we help women not end up in this position in the first place?  Our role should be to support women in controlling reproduction as painlessly and efficiently as possible.  The focus on abortion to the exclusion of everything else is a distraction from what the real focus should be. 

Is abortion right or wrong?

Whether abortion is right or wrong is not the point.  When we focus too much on this, we lose sight of the bigger question which is: why do women seek abortion in the first place?  Why would a woman want to terminate a pregnancy?  The reason women seek abortions is not because they want to have a painful procedure (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) just for the fun of it.  It is because they find themselves in an untenable situation.  The reasons are many and varied including:  too young to be a mother, do not want more children, birth control failure, unstable relationship, wrong timing, change of mind, ashamed, cannot afford a child, rape, incest, the relationship ended, etc.  We cannot know all the reasons women want the procedure.  Trying to moralize is not going to help them out of the situation.  The rightness or wrongness of abortion should not be the focus but rather how to help women solve the problem and how to ensure that going forward, women are not finding themselves in this situation.  Should we accept that women should continue experiencing the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual toll of abortion or should we find ways of helping women control reproduction in ways that ensure they never find themselves cornered into seeking abortions?  How do we ensure no one ever has to get to the point where they need an abortion by equipping women with the tools necessary to control their fertility?   When we treat abortion as a religious issue or a legal issue or a women’s rights issue, we miss the bigger picture and come up with bad, myopic solutions.   If we could only put ourselves in the shoes of women seeking abortions, we would understand that it is not something anyone would do willingly. 

Women are unfortunately used to being talked down to and being told what is and isn’t right for them.  People always feel the need to tell women what is and isn’t right, rather than giving them solutions that work and are healthy for them.  Our bodies are seen as are objects that people feel entitled to control and make rules for.  This is something that continuously works against women because we end up with solutions that are not in our best interest.  It is as if our bodies are the battlefield for forces that do not care about us or our well-being but only care about power and control.   The abortion debate is not really about our well-being but about who gets to control us and profit from us.  If it was about us, then we would not be having discussions that centre around legislating our bodies.  Those who are against abortion want to make rules about what we can and can’t do with our bodies.  Those who are for abortion seem to be fighting for our right to have a harmful procedure instead of effectively equipping us to not need to have one in the first place.  The discussion seems to be based on the assumption that someone needs to make laws concerning women’s reproduction.  Why is it that in the 21st century when all other areas of life have advanced so much, we still have not managed to control reproduction and have to rely on crude methods to manage it?  It is because women are not a priority on this planet.  It is because it is acceptable for women to experience what would be unacceptable for men.  I’m quite certain that if it was men who carried pregnancies, we would not be discussing whether or not to allow abortions because technologies would be in place to ensure no one experienced unwanted pregnancies in the first place.  We continue blaming women for their fertility instead of enabling them to control it.  We need to get past this acceptance of bad solutions for women. 

Our bodies are seen as objects that people feel entitled to control and make rules for.  This is something that continuously works against women because we end up with solutions that are not in our best interest.  It is as if our bodies are the battlefield for forces that do not care about us or our well-being but only care about power and control. 

Violence against women

It says quite a lot about our state of evolution that we still cannot control reproduction and have to rely on crude methods to get rid of pregnancies.  Reproduction seems to have been left behind in the dark ages when we used to perform crude operations on the human body.  All other aspects of medicine have developed to the technologically advanced practices we have today.  Meanwhile, we continue to rip babies out of mothers’ wombs as a form of birth control.  Is this really what we deserve as women or can we demand a better level of care?  Our bodies have always been the objects of violence.  Why is it acceptable that women should experience yet more violence under the guise of controlling reproduction?  Because it doesn’t matter what anyone says, abortion is a form of violence against women in that a child has to be forced out of the womb.  It is not a gentle procedure by any stretch of the imagination.  I understand very well that it is all women have at the moment, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look at its merits and demerits.  By politicizing the issue, we are forced to hide the fact that abortion is not a pleasant experience and only look at it as something to legislate.  Why is it acceptable that women should routinely have unpleasant procedures?  Why can’t we demand better for ourselves?  Is this the best we can come up with?  We always hear about the sanctity of the unborn child, but what about the sanctity of the mother?  As much as I support a woman’s right to choose, I find it hard to accept that abortion is the best we can come up with.  If we put our minds to it, we can come up with a much better, universal method of birth control that ensures that no woman ever has to suffer through an unwanted pregnancy or abortion.  That truly is something worth fighting for. 

The shame surrounding women’s bodies

Women are taught from a very young age to feel ashamed of their bodies.  We are taught to hide and be secretive about our bodies because our bodily processes are supposed to be shameful.  We feel shame when our bodies start changing and we suddenly become subject to the male gaze.  We feel shame when we start menstruating.  We feel shame when we become pregnant, especially young women who become pregnant before their time.  We feel shame during childbirth when strangers peer at our private parts.  We feel shame when we go through menopause with the cliched portrayal of menopausal women as angry and somehow repulsive.  Women carry a lot of shame and it is this shame that surrounds the topic of abortion.  Why do some people fight so hard to stop abortion?  It is because of the desire to punish women by forcing them to bear the consequences of their secret misdeeds.  Female reproduction is not taken as a natural part of the human experience.  It is considered a shameful experience and it has been used to keep women down.  There is usually a lot of disgust directed towards women’s reproduction.  We express disgust towards women who have more children than they can take care of, especially poor women in developing countries.  We express disgust towards young women who get unwanted pregnancies.  We express disgust towards women who experience their sexuality in ways we do not approve of.  We express disgust towards women seeking abortions as if a woman wanting to get rid of an unwanted, unplanned pregnancy is something we cannot comprehend.  Is this really what women deserve for their God-given ability to bear children? 

Way forward

In my opinion, the first thing we need to do is educate people on how to manage reproduction.  Let us stop approaching reproduction as something shameful that needs to be controlled through legislation.  We need to educate both boys and girls about how to prevent pregnancy from the time they reach childbearing age.  Let us openly teach about birth control methods in school so that everyone is equipped with knowledge on how to control their bodies.  This should not be approached as something to be ashamed of, as if pregnancy is something unnatural.  Today, parents have to keep their fingers crossed when their children become teenagers hoping that they make it through this period without getting pregnant.  We need to stop crossing our fingers and take practical, common sense measures. Secondly, we need our governments to provide safe, long-term, preferably non-hormonal birth control to all women from the time they reach childbearing age.  We don’t need to wait for girls to become pregnant and then punish them or wring our hands in despair.  We need to approach female reproduction as a natural part of life that should be dealt with realistically.  Mothers should be empowered to lovingly introduce their daughters to birth control as soon as they reach childbearing age, with no shame attached to this.  Governments should facilitate this process by providing free birth control. This is how much we need to normalize birth control and teach girls to take charge of their fertility, just the same way we teach them to take charge of other aspects of their bodies.  Last but not least, abortion should be a last resort when all else fails.  It should not be presented as the only way or even the best method of controlling reproduction.  We have to openly acknowledge the shortcomings of abortion, even as we accept that it is all we have at present to deal with unwanted pregnancies.  We need to focus more on prevention rather than cure.  After all, pregnancy is not a surprising or unexpected phenomenon.  With education and the provision of free birth control, we can control reproduction such that no one ever has to experience an unwanted pregnancy or abortion. 

Trauma Bonding: 17 Signs You’re a Victim and How to Break Free

Trauma bonding is a bond that is formed between an abuser and their victim due to a recurring pattern of punishment and reward that keeps the victim tied to the abuser and unable to break free.  It is a kind of conditioning or programming that causes the victim to respond in unhealthy ways to a toxic person.  The beginning stages of trauma bonds are formed when the abuser love-bombs the victim, causing a massive release of feel-good hormones such as dopamine and oxytocin.  The love bombing is quickly followed by narcissistic abuse which appears suddenly and unexpectedly, plunging the victim into a downward spiral of shock and betrayal that can be compared to a drug addict going into withdrawal.  The victim is left longing for the high, just like a drug addict longs for the high they receive from drugs.  Thus begins the cycle of punishment and reward that traps the victim in a neurochemical bondage, no different from drug addiction.  With time, the abuse gets worse while the rewards become rare, meaning the victim has no reason at all to remain in the relationship yet they find themselves unable to leave.  When trying to understand why the victim doesn’t simply leave the abuser, we need to understand that the victim is struggling with an addiction, the same way a drug addict struggles with drug addiction. 

The beginning stages of trauma bonds are formed when the abuser love-bombs the victim, causing a massive release of feel-good hormones such as dopamine and oxytocin.  The love bombing is quickly followed by narcissistic abuse which appears suddenly and unexpectedly, plunging the victim into a downward spiral of shock and betrayal that can be compared to a drug addict going into withdrawal.

Most of us have grown up with an idea of “falling in love” that comes from the media, which equates falling in love with being under someone’s spell – thinking about them constantly, longing to be with them all the time, being unable to think rationally and giving up your autonomy for the sake of the person you fall in love with. This unfortunately sets us up to form trauma bonds with narcissists.  If we expect love to look like the version we see in movies, we become prime targets for narcissists because we mistake the neurochemical addiction that occurs with love.  We need to understand that love should not feel like an addiction and should not be painful or an emotional roller-coaster.  Love should be joyful, harmonious and fulfilling. 

Signs of trauma bonding:

  1. The victim defends the relationship even though everyone around them has a negative reaction towards it.  When friends, family members or others tell you that they don’t like the person you’re in a relationship with, it is wise to listen to what they have to say.  If you find that you constantly have to defend your relationship, then there may be something you are not seeing.  Many times, people outside the relationship can be more objective than you can.  The reality is that many people, especially those who have been brought up by a narcissistic parent will not be able to detect when they are being emotionally abused.  They may be so used to living with narcissistic abuse that they lose their ability to see it when it is happening to them.  However painful it may be, listening to what others have to say about your relationship, especially those who love you and have nothing to gain from breaking up your relationship is the smart thing to do.
  2. The victim is obsessed with the abuser even after they leave.  A victim of trauma bonding will be unable to forget the abuser even when they abandon them.  The victim continues longing for the abuser, missing him and hoping he will come back.  The victim becomes trapped in an unending cycle of abuse, abandonment and betrayal followed by love.  The victim is unable to move on as they are left longing for a return to the loving times.  This means that the victim remains suspended, waiting for the abuser to give them the love they so desperately crave.  Even though the abuser caused them immense pain, they feel like they cannot live without them.
  3. Others are horrified at something that has happened but the victim isn’t.  The abuser may physically hurt the victim or engage in unacceptable behaviour, but the victim is unable to see the seriousness of the matter.  The victim may insist that the abuser has changed or has apologised and they do not seem to be aware of just how serious the abuse is.  This is a clear sign of trauma bonding.
  4. The victim feels loyal to the abuser and hides secrets that would be damaging to the abuser.  The victim shows loyalty to the abuser even though it is completely undeserved.  The victim identifies with the abuser and protects them, keeping the truth about the abuse to themselves.  In this way, the abuser goes on with their lives and even abuses others without the threat of being exposed. 
  5. The victim continues to seek contact with the abuser even though it will cause them pain.  This creates a cycle of breaking up and coming back together or the on-again-off-again type of relationship.  Even though the abuser constantly betrays and hurts the victim, the victim is unable to stay away.  This is why they say that it takes seven attempts before a victim finally breaks free from an abusive relationship.  Even though the relationship is bad for them, they keep going back.  The victim essentially becomes alienated from themselves and is unable to protect themselves.  That instinct of self-preservation that motivates us to protect ourselves from harm is broken and the sense of self is shattered.  The victim becomes conditioned to act in ways that are contrary to their own self-interest. 
  6. The victim becomes drawn to dangerous individuals.  As a result of being in an abusive relationship, the victim develops a pattern in which they seek out or are attracted to dangerous individuals.  It is almost as if they want to keep replaying their initial abuse or find such relationships thrilling.  This is why it is so important to take time to heal after an abusive relationship before getting into another relationship.  If you were in an abusive relationship and managed to get out, it is advisable to take time to understand why you ended up in such a relationship in the first place and to heal whatever wounds caused you to end up with such a person.  Failure to do so risks repeating the same pattern over and over again.
  7. The victim tries to change or save the abuser instead of just walking away.  Many victims of abuse find themselves obsessively trying to change the abuser or feeling like they are the only ones who can save them.  They develop a martyr complex which causes them to feel compelled to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the abuser.  They are convinced that the abuser is a good person deep inside and that if they only make enough of an effort, the abuser will eventually change.  But the reality is that abusers rarely change.  The idea that you will change them is delusional.  The best thing is to walk away and realise that it is not your responsibility or burden to change a toxic person.
  8. The victim will go overboard in helping the abuser.  Many abusers not only treat their victims badly but also commandeer their resources such as money or property.  You will find victims who go out of their way to give money to the abuser or get them out of all sorts of situations.  Even though the abuser has consistently proven themselves untrustworthy and unreliable, the victim will continue going out of their way to help them.    In the end, the abuser may even take over the victim’s resources leaving them completely at their mercy.
  9. The victim cannot leave the abuser even though they do not like, trust or care for the abuser.   Trauma bonding is like drug addiction.  Even though the victim does not like, trust or care for the abuser, they find themselves unable to leave.  They will find ways to justify their continued attachment to the abuser, but the reality is that they are trapped in a cycle of reward and punishment that keeps them longing for the ever-decreasing crumbs of love that the abuser tosses their way.  Even after they see the abuser for what he is, they still find it difficult to break the bond.  It takes an almost herculean effort to break the emotional ties that bind the victims to the abuser.
  10. The victim continues to play along even when things become dangerous or destructive. The victim is unable to leave the abuser even when their physical safety is compromised.  Despite physical or sexual abuse, or even when loved ones beg them to leave, they continue staying with the abuser.  They lose the desire or ability to resist the abuser, which is why in extreme cases, victims end up being killed by the abuser. 
  11. The victim continues trying to get the abuser to like them even though they clearly don’t care.  The victim will try to do nice things for the abuser to get their attention.  They will be kind to the abuser and become almost a doormat in an effort to please the abuser.  They will walk on eggshells around the abuser, afraid to do anything that would anger them.  Even when the abuser clearly shows that they do not care about them, the victim does everything in their power to get the abuser to show them the love they once showed them.
  12. The victim trusts the abuser again and again even though they have proven unreliable.  The victim uses emotional thinking when it comes to the abuser, i.e., they are unable to think logically or make logical decisions.  Whenever the abuser abuses them, they manage to find ways to excuse the abusive behaviour – the abuser didn’t mean it, he was tired, the victim did something to annoy him, he will change, the victim just needs to try harder, no one understands the abuser, etc.  The victim gives the abuser opportunity after opportunity to hurt them and never seems to learn from past actions.  Just like drug addicts, they lose their ability to think rationally. It takes a tremendous amount of effort to overcome this way of thinking and stop making excuses for the abuser.
  13. The victim chooses to stay in conflict with the abuser even though it would cost them nothing to walk away.  The victim becomes so attached to the abuser that they engage in explosive fights with them rather than simply walk away from the relationship.  Even when the relationship becomes so toxic that it makes no sense to continue in it, the victim stays put.  They become afraid of losing the relationship even though they do not benefit in any way from being in a relationship with the abuser. 
  14. The abuser’s talent, charisma or contributions cause the victim to overlook destructive, exploitative or degrading behaviour.  When the abuser is wealthy, a celebrity or in other ways an important person in society, the victim convinces themselves that they need to remain in the relationship.  They view the abuser as superior to them and are unable to appreciate their own self-worth.  They feel flattered by the abuser’s attention which causes them to ignore the abuse.  This is why we hear of celebrities abusing people with impunity.  Their wealth and position in society shield them from being answerable for their crimes. 
  15. The victim stays in a relationship longer than they should.  Long after the relationship has become toxic and unbearable, the victim remains with the abuser using all sorts of justifications.  They may have children together, joint property or businesses, or they may be unwilling to leave due to their history together.  The victim is unable to see themselves as an individual deserving of happiness and a fulfilled life.  They see themselves only as part of a couple.  They are unable to envision life without the abuser.  They may become so accustomed to the abuse that they normalise it and minimise it.  Their self-worth is completely shattered by years of emotional abuse. 
  16. The victim sees how the abuser abuses others but thinks of themselves as the exception.  In some cases, the victim is so convinced that the abuser loves them that even though they see how badly he treats other people, they still believe that they are the exception.  The victim is unable to see that they too are a victim of the abuser.  They think the abuser would never treat them badly because they are special or loved.  Getting them to open their eyes and see the abuser for what he is may take quite some effort.
  17. The victim internally sees the abuser as their controller.  This causes the victim to constantly have internal conversations in which they justify themselves to the abuser.  Whatever they do, they see the abuser as the one whose approval they need.  They see themselves through the judgmental eyes of the abuser, feeling shame when they feel like they are letting them down or feeling as if they need to live up to the abuser’s expectations.  The abuser becomes like God to the victim, the person they see looking over their shoulder in everything they do.  The abuser is given too much power in the victim’s life, causing them to always conform to the abuser’s wishes.  It takes intense introspection for the victim to become aware of the amount of control the abuser has over them.

How to overcome trauma bonding:

  1. Recognize the trauma bond – One of the greatest barriers to overcoming trauma bonding is recognizing that you have one.  Even though we may be aware that we are in a toxic relationship with someone, in most cases people just don’t realize that they have formed a trauma bond with the person.  They do not understand that the reason they cannot simply leave even though they recognize the abuse is that they have formed a trauma bond with them.  People who have been brought up by narcissistic parents are particularly prone to this.  People in close relationships with psychopaths are also blind to their abusive nature due to their charming facades.  If you’re in a toxic relationship which you are unable to leave even though you would like to, you should consider that you may have a trauma bond with the person. 
  2. Therapy – Breaking a trauma bond sometimes requires therapy.   This is especially true for people who are trapped in abusive relationships with people who won’t easily let them go.  Many abusers will not just casually let their victims go – the reason they abuse their victims is precisely because they want to keep them bound to themselves.  In extreme cases, some people could be trapped in cults or other organised groups that ritually abuse them in order to control them.   These abusers will not just let them go without a fight.  Such trauma bonds cannot be broken through sheer willpower – they require therapy from knowledgeable psychologists.
  3. No contact – Once you realize that you have a trauma bond with someone, the best way to break it is to break off all contact with the person.  Trauma bonds are the hardest relationships to break because of the emotional, addictive element.  The way we respond to the abuser is a conditioned response.  The brain is conditioned to bypass normal, rational thinking and therefore breaking free is as difficult as breaking a drug addiction.  It will require great determination to break off contact with the person.  You will need to block them on all social media, email, phone, etc.  It might mean changing your phone number so that the person can’t reach you.  It may be difficult at first but with time it gets easier as the brain adjusts to functioning without the constant highs and lows. 
  4. Limit contact – In cases where it is completely impossible to break off contact, for example if you are co-parenting with the person, try as much as possible to limit contact with the person.  Don’t talk to them unless it is absolutely necessary.  Avoid face-to-face meetings or phone calls that could devolve into shouting matches.  Determine the most impersonal way of communicating such as email or short, factual text messages and stick to that.  Create as much distance between the two of you to weaken and eventually break the trauma bond.
  5. Stop emotional thinking – The reason many people keep going back to abusive relationships is that they develop emotional thinking which keeps sabotaging their efforts to break free.  Rather than use logic, they default to a way of thinking that allows them to justify going back to the abuser.  Even if the person has proven again and again that they are unreliable, the victim still convinces themselves that this time will be different.  Even if the person has clearly shown through their bad treatment that they do not love the victim, they continue telling themselves that the abuser loves them.  Even if they have shown themselves to be an abusive, cruel person, the victim still tells themselves that deep down they are a good person.  In other words, the victim is not using logic because their brain is bypassing the logical, analytical mind.  If you recognise this type of thinking in yourself, you’ll need to counter the lies with cold logic based on an observation of the abuser’s behaviour.    
  6. Honour your feelings – Another reason it is so hard to break trauma bonding is that the victim learns to bury their feelings and does not trust that what they feel is valid.  They learn that their feelings are unimportant and therefore they learn to suppress them.  If they were brought up by a narcissistic parent, this process would have started from early childhood and will be their default way of being.  To break this pattern, you need to recognize that your feelings are just as important as anyone else’s.  Listen to what your body tells you and know that it is valid and should not be ignored. 
  7. Enforce boundaries – Victims of abuse usually find it hard to enforce boundaries.  They have learnt that their needs are not important and that they should put other people’s needs before their own.  Therefore, they allow people to treat them badly over and over again.  One of the hardest things for such people is to say no to bad treatment.  They are reluctant to appear rude or hurt someone else’s feelings.  What they don’t understand is that the person they are so eager to protect has no similar feelings towards them.  The abuser will have no qualms about hurting them or treating them badly.  It is therefore their responsibility to enforce boundaries and make the decision not to accept abusive behaviour. 

Excerpt from my upcoming book: ENDING WAR (01-06-2022 )

Who shapes our worldview on war?

Human beings have very specific ideas about what the world is supposed to look like.  Some of these ideas are so ingrained that we never even stop to question them.  Our political systems.  Our geopolitical systems.  Our education systems.  Our social lives.  The way we work.  The way we love.  We accept that the world is the way it is because that is the way it is supposed to be.  But have you ever asked yourself where we get our ideas about what the world is supposed to look like?  Are the systems we have the only possible systems we could have on the planet?  The truth of the matter is that the way the world works today is the result of ideas that come from human beings.  There is nothing to say that these systems are necessarily the best systems or the only possible systems.  Neither can we say that these systems come from God because they seem to contradict everything we know about God’s nature.  Our world is based on a competitive model in which the winner takes all.  This is not the only way that our world could be structured.  We could have a world that is based on co-operation, whereby we see ourselves as being in the same boat, therefore needing to cooperate with each other in order to survive and thrive.  Unfortunately, we have been brainwashed into believing that being competitive is the only way human beings can exist.  From the day we are born, our parents pass on these attitudes to us.  They do their best to prepare us to exist in a competitive world by doing whatever they can to give us a head start.  In this way, they are already telling us that we will need to fight to survive.  When we go to school, it is the same thing.  Our education system is structured in a way that teaches us to always compete with each other.  We are taught to see our fellow students as competition that we need to beat.  We are taught to see ourselves in comparison with others. not as human beings in our own right.  We are taught that we are not good enough unless we are ahead of others.  We are taught that our worth comes from scoring the highest grades and being at the top of the class.   If, God forbid, we do not perform well, then we are taught that we have less value than those who are at the top.  This same attitude extends to the workplace where we are taught that to get ahead, we have to be better than everyone else.  We have to work harder than anyone, produce the best results and do anything to please our bosses.  If need be, we should be willing to step on others or ride on their backs to get ahead.  Outside of the workplace, we are taught to compete with others in society; to buy the latest cars, live in the best houses and wear the most fashionable clothes.  This is done not to live our best lives but to keep up with or outdo our neighbours.  We want our marriages to be picture-perfect and our children to attend the best schools, all so that we feel that we are better than others.

Our world is based on a competitive model in which the winner takes all.  This is not the only way that our world could be structured.  We could have a world that is based on co-operation, whereby we see ourselves as being in the same boat, therefore needing to cooperate with each other in order to survive and thrive. 

I hope you can see where I’m going with this.  We have been brainwashed into believing that life is a competition against others.  Instead of living life in ways that make us happy, we drive ourselves almost to death in order to be better than others.  We live life in comparison to others and in the process, we lose ourselves.  Where does this idea about life come from?  What happened is that over time, we allowed the most aggressive people amongst us to be the ones deciding how the world should be structured.  These people see life only as a competition and they somehow managed to get the rest of us to look at life this way.  They deceived us into looking at life the same way they look at it and into structuring the world in a competitive rather than cooperative way.  The most aggressive people captured our collective psyches and instilled in us the idea that human beings are supposed to compete with each other over scarce resources.  The very idea that the world has scarce resources comes from these same aggressive beings.  Every day we are told that the world is running out of resources to support human beings.  The truth, however, is that we have a distribution problem, whereby the world’s wealth and resources are hoarded by a few, meaning the rest have to do without.  If these resources could be distributed equitably, we would not have people going hungry or living in poverty in certain parts of the world.  The idea that the world has limited resources is a false narrative created by the most aggressive among us who would prefer that no one questioned the fact that they have amongst themselves almost 90% of the world’s wealth.  These are the same people who meet every year at Davos for the World Economic Forum (WEF) and pretend to come up with solutions for the world’s problems.  This is akin to a meeting of wolves trying to solve the problem of sheep getting eaten during the night.   Or as someone once said, it is like attending a fire fighters conference where no one is allowed to talk about water.  It is no surprise therefore that the kind of solutions these people come up with include dystopian scenarios in which we own nothing, have no privacy and are happy about it.  This is simply an expression of their disdain for humanity, that they could come up with such ideas and seriously put them forth as solutions to the world’s problems.

When it comes to war, our worldview is equally shaped by aggressive people holding leadership positions in policy making institutions.   How else do you explain the fact that even though most people do not want to go to war and are innately anti-war, we continue having wars on the planet?  How do you explain the fact that even though most of humanity is horrified by the idea of nuclear war, we seem to be marching closer and closer to a nuclear confrontation between nuclear-armed nations?  The people driving the agenda are lost in a delusional worldview in which having the most powerful and destructive weapons equals being the most powerful nation on earth.  These lunatics who have zero ability to reason intelligently are the ones driving the agenda and they keep taking us closer and closer to annihilation.  It is no exaggeration to say that the people leading our world are mentally ill in the literal sense of the word.  They are psychopaths and narcissists who should be locked up in mental health institutions or at the very least under psychiatric care, not the ones making the most important decisions on earth.  How humanity allowed such a situation to exist is something we will have to grapple with for a long time as we start waking up to the reality of our situation. 

The people driving the agenda are lost in a delusional worldview in which having the most powerful and destructive weapons equals being the most powerful nation on earth. 

The ideas we hold about war come from the war industry which is run by the most aggressive, war-like people on earth.  The same primitive ideas our forefathers held about fighting for land and resources are still held by these people today, at a time when we should long ago have transcended such ideas.  The days of fighting others for land and resources should by now be part of our forgotten history, together with things like making fire from sticks.  In our modern world, no one should be thinking about stealing land and resources, and in all fairness, most people on earth don’t think like this.  But those who run the global agenda still do.  They are like toddlers in adult bodies, fighting each other over toys.  We can therefore conclude that the ones running the world have the lowest consciousness among humanity.  These people are driven by greed for power and profits, the same way wild animals are driven by the urge to kill prey for food.  Instead of using their God-given intelligence to temper this desire with reason, they foolishly follow their lower instincts and they drag the rest of humanity along with them.  They spread their ideologies through think-tanks that push their aggressive ideas to the rest of the world.  They lobby politicians to pass laws and policies that favour their war-mongering.  They buy up the mainstream media and use it as a conduit for their narratives.  And they brainwash us through the entertainment industry that glorifies war and violence.  This, in a nutshell, is how they infect the entire human race with their primitive worldview.

How to Survive the Global Elites’ Attempted Coup

They have tried to disguise their plans with several innocuous-sounding euphemisms.   The Great Reset.  The Fourth Industrial Revolution.  The New World Order.  Agenda 21.  Transhumanism.  They make it all sound so good.  The utopia we have always dreamt of, finally here.  No more poverty.  No more hunger.  No more disease.  No more ageing.   Who could argue with that?  A perfect world where all our hopes and dreams finally come true.  Except, what they promise is not what they will ultimately deliver.  The road to their utopia will be strewn with our bodies and will end up in our enslavement.  They are not trying to solve world problems but to take control of the world and run it, whether we like it or not.  If you think all this sounds extreme, then you haven’t been paying attention.  Our world is gradually and incrementally being taken over by a small group of elites who want nothing less than our total and unconditional submission.  All the senseless things that are happening in the world today like the brutal restrictions on our freedoms and the attempt to push the world towards World War III are all part of the global elites’ attempt to forcefully take over the world.  They want to destroy our spirits so that we quietly submit to whatever they plan to do.

Anyone who has watched the Netflix show House of Cards will be familiar with how the elites weaponize fear to control people.  The Underwoods who are the protagonists in the show frequently turned to threats of terror attacks to win elections and distract people from their scandals.  Fear is a very effective weapon and the elites know this very well.  When people are afraid, they set aside their rational thinking and become easily manipulated and controlled.  We are seeing this same playbook being used against us, especially over the last few years.  The whole climate change narrative is meant to scare us into allowing the elites to introduce whatever changes they want to bring.  The covid-19 pandemic is being aggressively weaponised to subdue the global population.  From lockdowns to social distancing to face masks, we are being forced to give up our autonomy and submit to infringements on our basic rights.  Other events we see unfolding today like the war in Ukraine and the fuel shortages around the world are meant to break our spirits and bring us closer to the global elites’ utopia which is whereby they have total control of every aspect of our lives.

Fear is a very effective weapon and the elites know this very well.  When people are afraid, they set aside their rational thinking and become easily manipulated and controlled.

To survive the global elites’ attempted coup, we need to have strategies that will make it impossible for them to control us as well as strategies for healing ourselves.  Below are some suggestions.

Stop following the news

The mainstream media is owned by and functions for the benefit of the global elite.  They long ago realized that if they wanted to control the masses, they had to own the news.  Therefore, everything we hear in the mainstream media is nothing more than propaganda.  They do everything they can to give us a vision of the world that serves their purpose.  They program us to see the world the way they want us to see it.  They manipulate us into accepting the changes they are implementing and seeing them as either inevitable or the natural course of evolution.  They use the media to spread fear which makes us more pliable.  Gone are the days when we could trust the media to tell us the truth and keep the government in check.  Today the media is owned by the elites and serves their agendas.  We saw how the established media was used to spread fear during the covid-19 pandemic.  This was not accidental.  The non-stop coverage of the pandemic and the fearful statistics were meant to break our spirits and make us easier to control.  This strategy is still going on today with the non-stop coverage of wars, disasters and other crises.  How do you survive this?  Well, the only way they can get to you is if you allow them to do so by giving them your attention.  Most of us have been programmed to believe that we need to always be up to date with what is happening around us.  There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but if someone decides to weaponize this by only feeding us garbage, then it is time to cut off the ties.  They can’t break your spirit if you simply stop listening to them.  They can’t feed you propaganda if you are not paying attention.  At the end of the day, we have all the power.  They can only take away our power if we give it to them.  So, take back your power by refusing to listen to their fear-mongering.  You will find that your mental health improves, your anxiety goes away and you feel at peace with the world.

Free yourself from Google

Google is no longer the source of knowledge it used to be.  Today, it is nothing more than an anti-knowledge tool for the elites.  Check out what Zach Vorhies, the google whistle-blower has to say about google here.  When you search using google, their algorithms make sure you only get to see whatever they want you to see.  Any information that does not serve their agenda is suppressed.  Any information that goes against their agenda is hidden in the darkest corners of the internet where it never sees the light of day.  This is censorship at its worst, no better than the book burning that used to happen in the dark ages.  Who made google the gods who can discern what is and what isn’t truth?  How will humanity ever evolve if new ideas that don’t serve the elites are suppressed?  If we allow such people to take over, we will not only stop evolving but will surely start devolving because the only ideas that will be allowed are those that make them more money and give them more power.  Google has completely taken over our lives and is steering us in the wrong direction, but the good news is we can free ourselves from google.  We chose to hand over control to google and we can undo this choice today.  There are many alternatives to google out there.  Use Duckduckgo instead of Google as your default search engine.   Use other web browsers such as Firefox, Brave or Opera instead of Chrome.  Avoid phones with Google’s Android operating system which has become more and more invasive and instead use other mobile operating systems such as Symbian (Nokia phones). 

Quit social media

Social media today is not just a way for people to keep in touch with each other.  Big tech, because they are driven by greed for profits and power naturally found a way to monetize our attention.  We, the users are now the product.  The more time you spend on social media, the more money they make off you.  It doesn’t matter how unhealthy this is for you.  They will do whatever it takes to keep your attention.  This means filling your newsfeed with things that will cause an emotional reaction in you – anger, anxiety, fear, envy – it doesn’t matter to them.  They don’t care if you become a nervous wreck or get depressed.  They will keep feeding you with more of the things that keep you glued to your screen.  How do you survive this?  It’s easy, just quit social media and stay away from their attempts to control you.  Instead of relying on your social media feed for news, find one or two reliable voices of truth and subscribe to them.  Then kick Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tik Tok and all the rest out of your life.  You don’t need them and you will manage just fine without them.  In reality, they need you; it’s just unfortunate that they can’t help but use you and abuse you.

Protect your mental health

The global elites have thrown all caution to the wind and taken off their kiddy gloves in their effort to take over the world.  They believe that using fear and other mind control techniques will give them the control they lust for.  They see us as nothing more than sheeple to be driven this way and that way until we fall in line with their desired end goal.  As far as they are concerned, it is time for their grand plan, their Great Reset, to come to fruition.  Now more than ever, we need to protect our mental health from the non-stop disaster news cycles and the other techniques they are using to scare us into submission.  To protect your mental health, find a healing practice that suits you and make time for it preferably every week.  Meditation, therapy, journaling, music, exercise or yoga are some practices you could engage in.  You could also engage in artistic pursuits such as painting, pottery, dance, etc.  Whatever you decide to do, make time for it and prioritize it.  It has never been more important to protect your mental health because there is a deliberate effort to destroy it.

Spend time in nature

People are much more stressed today than they were in previous ages.  Balancing work and family has never been easy, but as economies get destroyed by the elites, life is becoming even more difficult.  In their determined quest to rule the world, they will stop at nothing.  They lack empathy and experience no guilt for their actions, therefore they will continue pushing humanity toward the edge until they achieve what they want, no matter how many lives get destroyed in the process.  In the global south, they are using the IMF to destroy economies that were already weak, to begin with.  During the covid-19 pandemic, the IMF gave loans to poorer countries on condition that they implement destructive covid restrictions on their populations.  In this way, they managed to make a bad situation even worse by causing people to lose their jobs and businesses to shut down.  This is the same IMF that forced structural adjustment programs (SAPs) on poor countries in the 90s, forcing civil servants out of their jobs and causing a collapse in the standard of living of most of the middle class.  In the end, the more they squeeze us the faster we have to run just to remain in the same place.  This can have devastating effects on our health.  One way to heal ourselves is to spend more time communing with nature; soaking in the sun, watching the clouds and listening to the birds.  Human beings have been made to feel as if they don’t belong in nature, as if they are separate from the world they live in.  We are made to feel like intruders in a world that would be better off without us.  The truth is that God gave us this planet as a platform for our growth.  Therefore, we are not intruders but one with nature. 

One way to heal ourselves is to spend more time communing with nature; soaking in the sun, watching the clouds and listening to the birds. 

Let go of toxic people

Last but not least, we need to let go of the toxic people in our lives.  These are the people who take away our energy and our joy.  They suck us dry with their criticism, their negative projections and their need for attention.  At this time when everything is stacked up against us, the last thing we need is anyone taking away our energy.  This is the time to ruthlessly cut off the energy vampires, those narcissists in our lives who are there for no other reason than to steal our light.  If you have anyone in your life who pulls you down, who consistently makes you feel bad, whom you have to keep explaining yourself to or who just won’t let you be, then it is time to cut them loose.  You don’t need them; they need you because they need your light.  But you are under no obligation to feed them your light because you need every ounce of energy to survive the vicious attack we are undergoing.  Ask God to expose to you the people in your life who are covert narcissists who take away your energy without you knowing it.  You might be surprised to find that the people you consider close friends or even family members fall in this category.  Read my article Unmasking the Covert Narcissist for more information on this.

Mass Hypnosis and Global Totalitarianism

Mass hypnosis – the means

Once upon a time, an ant was sitting on a giant rotating wheel thinking to itself that something felt off.  The ant knew that something big was happening, something important, but for the life of it, it couldn’t tell what it was.  All it knew was that whatever was happening was going to impact it in a big way.  While the ant was sitting there pondering what it could be, the giant wheel finally reached the point where the ant was about to meet the ground.  Suddenly, the ant knew what was happening, but it was too late.  It was crushed under the giant wheel.  Of late, human beings are starting to look a lot like that ant.  We know that something big is happening, something important, something that will impact our lives, but we just can’t connect the dots.  Everything seems to be changing but we don’t know where this is going.  Some are calling it the great reset while others are calling it the new world order.  It is almost as if a giant hand is manipulating events, pushing humanity in a certain direction, only we don’t know whose hand it is or which direction it is pushing us towards. 

If you have been following the debate, you may have heard the term “mass formation” or “mass formation psychosis” used with regards to the covid-19 pandemic.  For the sake of clarity, I will simply call it “mass hypnosis”.   Hypnosis is can be defined as an altered state of mind in which the subject has reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestions.  Mass hypnosis happens when hypnosis takes place on a large scale as in a population or on a global scale.  Many have been quick to dismiss this phenomenon, but these are the people who usually dismiss whatever they do not understand.  We all know that mass hypnosis is a reality – human beings can be hypnotized at mass scale – and we need look no further than Hitler’s rallies in which the crowds were rendered into a hypnotic state that made them willing to accept without question his insane ideas.  We also know about mob psychology which is whereby a group of people commit crimes they would never have committed on their own.  It is almost as if something takes over and causes them to act as one by taking on the psychology of the lowest among them.  We also know that mass hypnosis plays a role in cults whereby people are manipulated using psychological means to do whatever the cult leader wants them to do. 

For mass hypnosis to be induced, four conditions must exist in the target population:

  • Loneliness (lack of social bonds)
  • Lack of meaning in life
  • Generalized anxiety (anxiety with no apparent cause)
  • Generalized frustration and aggression

Once these conditions are met, the population is ripe for mass hypnosis.  All one has to do is provide an enemy that people can direct their anxiety, frustration and aggression towards and then provide the solution that will defeat the enemy.  This narrative has to be repeated over and over again until people accept it as the truth.  This is something the Nazi propaganda guru Joseph Goebbels knew well:

“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth” ~ Joseph Goebbels

This constant repetition eventually induces hypnosis by fixating people’s attention (narrowing down awareness to a single point of attention) and bypassing the rational, analytical mind.

Long before the covid-19 pandemic started, the world was already in a state of unrest.  Everywhere you looked, people were demonstrating against their governments, demanding change and protesting against perceived injustices.  Life was becoming more and more difficult following the 2008 global financial crash.  Purchasing power was decreasing and people could no longer survive comfortably on their salaries.  People were forced to put in more hours just to maintain the same standard of living.  The climate change narrative was being aggressively pushed to explain everything from droughts to wildfires to melting ice caps to changing weather patterns.  Social ties were weakening by the day as more and more people retreated online.  People everywhere felt lonely and isolated.  It felt like the world had reached a breaking point.  Then in 2020, the covid-19 pandemic started.  Suddenly, our attention was focused narrowly on the pandemic, to the exclusion of everything else.  The mainstream media went into overdrive, pounding our collective consciousness 24/7 with news of the virus.  Everyone had to stay home and normal social ties were abruptly broken.  Nothing else mattered.  It didn’t matter that businesses were shutting down, economies were collapsing, people were overdosing on drugs or others were committing suicides.  It didn’t matter that schools had been shut down, domestic violence was on the rise, people were lonely and scared and relatives were dying without saying goodbye to their loved ones.  All that mattered was the virus and protecting ourselves from it.  Then to everyone’s relief, a solution was found.  Vaccines. 

This constant repetition eventually induces hypnosis by fixating people’s attention (narrowing down awareness to a single point of attention) and bypassing the rational, analytical mind.

I’m sure by now you can see where I’m going with this.  If you look at the description of mass hypnosis above, you will see a stunning similarity between what has been happening over the past few years and mass hypnosis.  Humanity was ripe for mass hypnosis by 2020 following years of instability, unrest, anxiety, loneliness and frustration.  The covid-19 narrative was the perfect problem to fixate our attention and vaccines the perfect solution to this problem.  This was drummed into us by the mainstream media.  Dissent was not allowed.  Anything contrary to what the authorities were saying was labelled as misinformation and big tech did their part to stop its spread. 

But the question is why?  Why would anyone go to all this trouble to hypnotise us?  What do they stand to gain?  This is unfortunately a naïve question that arises from a lack of understanding of the world we live in.  We live in a world where a group of elites who consider themselves better than ordinary human beings are constantly trying to take control of the planet.  Remember the cartoons we watched as kids where a supervillain would try to take over the world?  Yeah, that’s real.  We live in a world where a group of psychopaths driven by greed and the desire for control are willing to do whatever it takes to rule over humanity.  These beings have one desire and one desire only – to become our masters while we serve them and do their bidding.  As far as they are concerned, heaven on earth will happen when they have total control of every aspect of our lives.  This is their dream and the reason why the world is being aggressively hijacked.  Their goal is global totalitarianism with them as the rulers of humanity.

Global totalitarianism – the end

Totalitarianism is a form of government and political system that prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control and regulation over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism. Hannah Arendt in her book The Origins of Totalitarianism gives fascinating insights into totalitarianism using the example of Hitler and Stalin.  Anyone interested in knowing more about totalitarianism should read her book.  The important thing to understand about totalitarianism is that it seeks the complete domination of humanity, but the logical conclusion of this extreme domination is the destruction of life.  The people behind totalitarianism are against God, against human beings and against life itself.  The ultimate expression of this intense hatred is the destruction of life.  Totalitarianism is the anti-Christ we have all been taught to believe is coming.  It is a force that wants to destroy life because the extreme hatred that is behind it will not be satisfied with anything less.

The important thing to understand about totalitarianism is that it seeks the complete domination of humanity, but the logical conclusion of this extreme domination is the destruction of life.  The people behind totalitarianism are against God, against human beings and against life itself. 

According to Hannah Arendt,

“Totalitarian movements are mass organisations of atomized, isolated individuals.  Compared with all other parties and movements, their most conspicuous characteristic is their demand for total, unrestricted, unconditional and unalterable loyalty of the individual member.  This demand is made by the leaders of totalitarian movements even before they seize power.  It usually precedes the total organization of the country under their actual rule and it follows from the claim of their ideologies that their organisation will encompass, in due course, the entire human race.”

From this description, we can observe a few things. 

  • Totalitarian movements are made up of atomized, isolated individuals.  If we connect this to the current situation on the planet, we see that human beings were already becoming more and more isolated before the covid-19 pandemic, but this was made worse and brutally enforced during the pandemic.  This lays the groundwork for a totalitarian movement to be instituted.
  • Totalitarian movements demand the total, unrestricted, unconditional and unalterable loyalty of the individual member.  For this to happen, the individual has to be in a state in which they feel helpless and look up to an authority for protection and direction.  Any voice of dissent is ruthlessly shut down as we are seeing today.  Only the authorities can know the truth; anything else is misinformation and must be kept from the people.
  • The ideology of the totalitarian movement is that their organisation will encompass, in due course, the entire human race.  What we see today is an attempt to bring the entire human race into a totalitarian movement.  There is a deliberate attempt to bring the entire planet under totalitarian rule.  This is why we see mass hypnosis being carried out on a global scale under the pretext of covid-19.

Totalitarianism has several features that all work together to take the masses closer and closer into the desired state of complete loyalty to the leaders and their ideologies (these ideologies are merely a pretext for gaining power.  Once in power, these ideologies are promptly forgotten as the true nature of totalitarianism makes itself known).  One feature of totalitarianism is the use of terror to create a “mass man”.  A mass man is an individual who is completely isolated from others – friends, family, acquittances – and has no social ties.  This mass man is completely loyal to the movement to the point of losing his sense of self.  One feature of the mass man is that he is no longer concerned with self-preservation.  He is willing to lose his very life for the sake of the party.  This state is similar to that of someone in a cult who completely loses their identity to the point of being willing to die.  In totalitarianism, the creation of the mass man is done by terrorizing people into submission.  In Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Russia, this was done through mass murder.  Today, the mass man is being created through psychological warfare – the relentless bombardment of human beings with one fearful event after the other – climate change, covid-19 and now the threat of nuclear war.  The result is that people become fearful, isolated and lose any sense of self-preservation.  Once in this state, it is possible to get people to do whatever the leaders want.  Their internal defences are destroyed.

Another feature of totalitarianism is the complete indifference to mass interest.  In the case of Stalin, the illogical destruction of agricultural systems in the name of collectivisation led to mass starvation and deaths. Today, we see this same lack of mass interest in the response to covid-19.  Lockdowns led to mass job losses, closure of businesses, destruction of economies and mental health problems.  The authorities did not care – protecting humanity from the virus was more important than whatever destruction ensued.  This complete lack of empathy reveals the true nature of the covid-19 response.  It was not motivated by compassion but was meant to bring humanity one step closer to global totalitarianism.

Another feature of totalitarianism is the gradual loss of freedom.  One big disadvantage human beings have that works against them is their ability to adapt.  As long as something happens very very slowly, as far as we are concerned, nothing is happening.  In reality, what is happening is that without realizing it we continually adapt to new ways of being.  Eventually, we even forget that we ever existed in any other way.  This weakness has been used against us by those who are aware of this tendency of human beings to continually adapt.  It has been used to take away our freedoms without us realizing what is happening.  Over a very long time, human beings have given up their freedom of movement by accepting the concept of borders which in reality are prison walls that are far away enough that we don’t realize that we are in prison.  Our freedom of movement was further curtailed during the covid-19 pandemic through the lockdowns, the closing down of borders and vaccine passports.  These very aggressive measures were used to see just how far the elites could go.  We already agreed to be imprisoned in our countries, but could they go further and lock us in our houses?  Our freedom of speech is similarly being eroded through censorship and algorithms.  Our right to refuse medical treatments is being eroded by the forced vaccines.  This is totalitarianism in action, only they are no longer using guns to take away our freedom but psychological warfare. 

Today, we are seeing the global elites transition from covid-19 to a new form of psychological warfare – the threat of nuclear war.  Will this threat turn into reality?  We don’t know.  If it does, it will just be another step forward in the madness that is totalitarianism.  Our only hope is that enough of us wake up from our slumber and resist this march towards destruction.  But if we continue watching from a distance hoping that they will stop themselves, we will be shocked at just how far they are willing to go. The problem with totalitarianism is that it does not know when to stop – it just keeps going until it enters a self-sustaining downward spiral that cannot be stopped.  In the end, when the totalitarian leaders take over, their true intentions will be revealed – the destruction of life.

The Illusion of Freedom

According to Wikipedia, “Freedom is understood as either having the ability to act or change without constraint or to possess the power and resources to fulfill one’s purposes.” 

From this definition, we see that freedom has three important elements:

  • ability to act or change
  • no constraints
  • power and resources

Most of us have a very limited understanding of freedom.  We consider ourselves free if we can move around with a relative amount of ease, earn a decent living, interact with friends and family and take part in the electoral process in our countries.  We look at people in autocratic countries and pity them because according to us, they are not free.  We on the other hand hold elections every four or five years and therefore this means we live in a “free and democratic society”. 

Are we free?

Given the above definition of freedom, are we right in considering ourselves free?  If you live in a democratic country and generally consider yourself free, does this idea still hold once you consider the above three elements that are necessary for one to be free?  I put it to you that most of us on this planet are not free by any stretch of the imagination.  It is just that our definition of freedom has been carefully crafted to give us the illusion of freedom.  Once we look at our lives closely, the idea that we are free completely falls flat.  What we have instead is an illusion of freedom – a freedom that is in reality non-freedom.  Freedom has been redefined to mean that you do what you are supposed to do.  You are supposed to live your life a certain way from the day you are born to the day you die and as long as you keep within those boundaries, all is well.  The prison walls are disguised as beautiful paintings or murals that we gaze at without really seeing what is behind them. 

I put it to you that most of us on this planet are not free by any stretch of the imagination.  It is just that our definition of freedom has been carefully crafted to give us the illusion of freedom.  Once we look at our lives closely, the idea that we are free completely falls flat. 

According to the script we are given at birth, life is supposed to look a certain way.  You are supposed to be born, go to school to prepare yourself to be a good worker, leave school and join the workforce, get married, have children, raise the children, retire, then enjoy a few years before death finally takes you.  According to the narrative, this is what freedom looks like.  You stay within the confines of this prison and experience life within these boundaries and you will never get to see the prison walls.  The problem comes in when you try to venture outside the script.  Suddenly, you will be faced with all sorts of pressures to return to the script, to give up your futile attempt to climb over the walls.  It doesn’t take much really to get you back into the safety of the prison.  You will realize very quickly that the system is designed in such a way that you cannot even survive physically if you attempt to scale the walls.  It’s a tight system.  Let’s say you want to change an aspect of the script that you don’t like.  For example, you want to spend your life travelling and painting or taking photographs instead of working in an office.  What you quickly realize is that without resources, there is no freedom.  You can’t afford to do whatever you want to do.  If we could, most of us would probably not be doing what we are doing today.  We are doing whatever we are doing to survive physically, to keep our bodies and our children’s bodies alive.  That is not freedom however much you may have grown up thinking you are free.  If you cannot do whatever you want because of some constraint, be it an authority that is keeping you from doing it or the lack of resources, you are not free.  Look at the definition of freedom and you will realize that most of the people on this planet are not free.  We live under the illusion of freedom. 

One alarming fact about life on this planet is that we seem to constantly be moving towards less and less freedom in every aspect of our lives.  It seems almost as if there is an unseen force that acts to herd us towards less and less freedom.  While most of us just want to live peaceful lives not bothering anyone or being bothered by anyone, it seems that we do not have the luxury to do this.  There is an ever-present force that seems intent on moving humanity towards less and less freedom and we constantly have to fight this force.  It is almost as if we are not allowed to just relax and enjoy life.  Many of us would willingly live under the illusion of freedom simply because we do not have the strength to keep fighting, but this force is not satisfied with our meekly agreeing to live lives of non-freedom.  It wants to take away every last freedom and leave us as slaves.  That is why people are always engaged in protests and demonstrations and pushing back against this relentless force.  It seems that if we relax even for a second, our meagre non-freedoms will all be taken away.  We have seen this with the Covid 19 pandemic.  While we are all busy trying to fight the pandemic for our collective survival, some see this as an opportunity that should not be wasted.  Governments in many parts of the world have postponed elections, imposed endless lockdowns and curfews, imposed vaccine passports and mandates, shut down borders, etc.  Now, we can look at these and say that they are all justified measures in fighting the pandemic, but the problem is that once these measures are put in place, we have to fight to have them lifted afterwards.  Two years since the pandemic started, governments are still determined to keep measures in place even when it doesn’t make sense to do so.  Measures that were supposed to last for two weeks are still in place even when all evidence suggests that the worst is over.  The force seems bent on keeping us down and we have the unfortunate task of fighting just to maintain this state of non-freedom that we live in.  We remain in a state in which we cannot even aspire to a state of true freedom.

Freedom has four levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual freedom.  It is important to understand freedom in its fullest sense if we are to become aware of how our freedoms are slowly eroded without our knowing it.  Being conscious is the first step towards protecting our freedom.  We will look at each of these levels below.

Physical freedom

Physical freedom means being able to do whatever you want whenever you want.  It means having the resources you need to do what you want.  Having said that, being free doesn’t mean acting irresponsibly.  It means acting without restricting other people’s freedom to exercise their freedom.  From this definition, it is clear that people on earth are not truly free to do what they want.  There are so many constraints to our freedom that we can hardly claim to be physically free.  For one thing, most of what we do day to day is geared towards physical survival.  We are still trying to meet the lowest level needs on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs i.e., food and security.  That can hardly be described as freedom.  How many people truly can do whatever they want or go wherever they want on this planet?  Not many.  For most of us, our waking hours are spent working to feed ourselves and our families.  We simply cannot leave the treadmill even if we wanted to.  When we reach the stage in our evolution in which we are not spending most of our time trying to survive physically, then we can start talking about humanity being free.

There are other ways our physical freedom is limited on this planet.  Although we are free to go wherever we want within our borders, we are not allowed to move freely outside our borders.  To be able to go to other countries, you need a passport and a visa.  Depending on which country you come from, it is either mildly annoying or completely impossible to get these papers.   This is a limitation to our physical freedom.  Many immoral ideas have found their way into the system, for example, the idea that people from certain parts of the world are unworthy to visit other parts of the world.  It has therefore become completely justified to make it as difficult as possible for these people to get the papers they need to travel.  The reasoning behind this is that those from poorer parts of the world will come flooding into the richer parts of the world, but the question is, why do we live in a world where some people wallow in poverty while others are rich?  If we can go to the bottom of this issue and correct the underlying problem, then we will not need to restrict anyone’s movement.  How did the poor countries get so poor in the first place anyway?  Wasn’t it because the rich countries plundered and looted these countries’ wealth and continue to do so today?  Instead of correcting this injustice, we have put in place strict restrictions that stop the poor from going to wealthy countries.

When we see many people in different parts of the world fighting against vaccine passports and mandates, it is because of this very tendency of authorities to take a legitimate system and turn it into something nefarious.  Who knows, maybe a hundred years from now after the pandemic is long gone, people will still be required to have vaccine passports to move around freely and no one will remember how the system started in the first place.  It will just be an accepted restriction of our movement and no one will question how the system started in the first place, just the same way we never question how we came to need passports and visas to visit other countries.  How did this system start in the first place?  Nobody knows, nobody cares, nobody questions it, all we know is that it is very hard to travel to other countries because of the visa system.  Once you understand how our freedoms are constantly eroded and taken away, you will understand why people are passionately fighting these mandates and passports.  If this was a world where no one was trying to take away our freedom, no one would even think of protesting against these requirements.  It would be obvious that once the need for restrictions is over, they would be done away with and normal life would resume.  But because we do not trust our governments to restore our freedoms once the danger is over, we are forced to go to the streets to fight against these restrictions.  Case in point, during the height of the terrorist attacks, it became a requirement in many parts of the world to have strict security checks before entering many places like malls, office buildings or airports.  Today, long after the terrorist threats ended, we are still being searched, watched through surveillance systems and taken through metal detectors.  There is no discussion about restoring our right to move freely without being subjected to invasive searches.  We have all submitted to the idea that everyone is a criminal unless proven otherwise.  Our children who were born after these restrictions were put in place have not known any other way of existing.  Will our children even think to question why the world is the way it is or will it take a few hundred years before people start wondering why they cannot go anywhere without being searched?  This is what happens when we willingly give up our freedoms, we never get them back. 

Today, long after the terrorist threats ended, we are still being searched, watched through surveillance systems and taken through metal detectors.  There is no discussion about restoring our right to move freely without being subjected to invasive searches.  We have all submitted to the idea that everyone is a criminal unless proven otherwise. 

Another effective method that is used to restrict our freedom is teaching us to fear each other.  In the past, people were kept from venturing too far from their homes through the belief that the earth was flat, meaning that someone could fall off the earth if they went too far.  Once we overcame this idea, we were taught instead to fear strangers, which discourages people from mingling freely with others in other parts of the world.  Instead of a natural curiosity about how other people live, we fear and demonize and try to destroy those who are different from us.  So, most of us live our entire lives within our borders and regard with suspicion people from other parts of the world. 

Mental Freedom

Mental freedom is the right to think whatever you want.  Unlike physical freedom, you cannot hurt others by what you think so ideally everyone should be free to think whatever they want without any restrictions.  Only when thoughts turn into actions is there any danger of hurting other people.  You would be surprised however to learn just how much effort goes into suppressing our freedom to think.  You may think that you have the freedom to think whatever you want until you start considering the many ways this freedom is curtailed.  Just as an example, consider the fact that there is a career known as “critic” whose sole role is to dissect someone’s creative work.  Creativity is an expression of what is going on inside someone’s mind and this is expressed through art, literature, music or fashion.  What is the role of the critic?  It is to limit the expression of creativity by deciding what is and isn’t an acceptable expression of one’s creativity.  Because of the influence of critics, people become afraid of expressing their thoughts and ideas freely and over time, we find that creativity is diminished.  This is a way of suppressing mental freedom and some people have made a career out of it.  Critics are not much different from trolls who wait for someone to write something on the internet then attack them with a vengeance.  The mentality is the same.  You are not allowed to say something they disagree with and if you do, they will viciously attack you and do everything they can to make sure you think twice before expressing any ideas they disagree with.      

Another way our mental freedom is suppressed is through digital censorship.  In the dark ages, mental freedom could be curtailed through the burning of books, which was meant to stop the spread of ideas.  When this was no longer acceptable, governments started banning books whenever something was said that they felt was a threat to their authority.  When the internet came along, knowledge and information became much more freely available and banning information could no longer work.  Today, a new way has been found to stop the spread of information i.e., digital censorship.  Under the guise of protecting us from misinformation, digital platforms are becoming increasingly authoritarian in what they allow.  In reality, this is the same instinct that led to the burning and banning of books and other material.  Authorities always get nervous when there is too much information circulating and they always try to find ways of stopping the free flow of information.  Behind this mindset is the patronizing idea that people cannot judge for themselves what is and isn’t good for them.  This is the role that Facebook and Twitter have taken upon themselves.  What gives them the right to determine what we can or can’t read simply because they look down on our ability to make the right decisions?  They see themselves as gods who decide what is and isn’t good for us.  Other digital platforms like Google and YouTube use powerful algorithms to determine what information we receive when we search for something.  On the surface of it, this sounds innocuous enough until we understand the power of these algorithms to determine what we read and watch.  For example, when you search for something on YouTube, you get hundreds of suggestions that are similar to what you searched for.  I’ve always found this tendency to give similar suggestions quite annoying.  For example, if I search for a certain kind of music, I get hundreds of suggestions for similar music.  But what if they instead suggested different kinds of music?  Then I would have the opportunity to discover something new instead of going deeper and deeper into a world where I only listen to one kind of music.  Instead of expanding your horizons, what they do is make your world smaller and smaller.  This tendency to herd people in certain directions is what causes people to become radicalized or end up with beliefs such as QAnon or Incel.  By the time you realize what is happening, you are so deep inside the rabbit hole you hardly know how to find your way out. The bigger picture is that humanity is becoming more and more close-minded and we are losing our ability to consider that a different way of looking at things could be equally valid.

The media is another powerful way in which our mental freedom is limited because the media tells us not only what is happening around us but how we should think about what is happening around us.  This power can be used to very devastating effect as was seen during the Nazi propaganda days.  All you have to do is repeat something often enough and it doesn’t matter how ridiculous it is, in the end, people start believing it.  We know that most of the mainstream media is owned by elites who have everything to benefit from maintaining the status quo.  They need the systems that made them elites in the first place to stay in place even though they do not work for the majority of people.  It doesn’t take a genius to see how the media can be used to shape our reality.  Closely related to this is the control of what we read.  In this age of Amazon, the rating system is used to subtly control what we read.  Books that receive the highest rating end up being read the most.  This sounds innocuous enough, but what is the end result?  The end result is that only popular ideas or authors receive the attention of readers while new or unpopular ideas get buried in the bowels of Amazon to rot and die quiet deaths.  How will we ever learn anything new if we only read what everyone else is reading?    At the end of the day, we are swimming in a small pond where there is no room for anything new. 

Emotional freedom

Emotional freedom is the right to feel whatever you want.  Unfortunately, from the time we are young we are taught that we are not free to feel or express emotions the way we want.  Depending on your gender, we are taught that there are emotions we can or can’t express.  Men are taught to be strong meaning they should not show fear, doubt, sorrow or any other such “feminine” emotions.  Women are taught to be soft meaning they are not allowed to express “manly” emotions such as anger.  Expressing the “wrong” emotion leads to rejection by society and this is how our emotional freedom is denied us.  The result of this very strong pressure is that people end up hiding their true selves and putting up a front that society deems acceptable.  Women learn to be soft-spoken, timid and unsure of themselves, which just feeds into the stereotype that women have nothing important to contribute.  Men on the other hand embody a very unbalanced form of masculinity which is aggressive, hard, unyielding and stubborn.  These qualities are celebrated in men, but the truth is that they represent an unbalanced masculinity or what is known as toxic masculinity.

Women historically suffered immensely under these very unbalanced ideas of how men and women are supposed to feel or express their emotions.  During the dark ages, women would be labelled as witches if they didn’t conform while in the recent past, women would be sent to mental institutions simply because they expressed unacceptable desires.  Today, other more subtle ways are used to control women.  Labelling women as depressed, crazy or hormonal when they choose to express emotions that make others uncomfortable is an effective means of controlling women.  The fact that women go through emotional ups and downs such as menstruation, pregnancy or menopause has been used to dismiss them as second-class humans who should not be listened to or taken seriously.  The fact that women express themselves differently from men is also used to take away from the fact that whatever they express is just as valid as men.  For example, men are taught to speak out boldly, cut in and share their opinions freely while women are taught to wait their turn and doubt that what they want to express is valid.  This is why the world is completely unbalanced towards men.  Women’s voices are not heard, so we end up with a very aggressive world in which we choose war instead of diplomacy, where politics is competitive and aggressive, and where business is concerned only with profits and not employees or the environment.  All these are the result of the suppression of women.

Another sphere in which our emotional freedom is curtailed is in the expression of love.  We are not allowed to love whoever we want.  Society gives us a very limited idea of what love looks like and then expects everyone to fall into these very confined ideas.  For example, we still live in a world where people from different races cannot freely express love for each other.  We live in a world where people who differ too much in age cannot express love for each other without judgement.  We live in a world where monogamy is the only acceptable form of union.  There are so many rules surrounding the expression of love that one cannot help but wonder where all these rules came from.  Why can’t people experience love in whatever form they want and make their own decisions about what is and isn’t right for them?  Why is it that the free expression of love is so threatening to society?

Spiritual freedom

Spiritual freedom is the right to believe what you want and as we know, this is one form of freedom that has been viciously curtailed and aggressively fought on this planet.  The idea that people can believe whatever they want seems to be very threatening to some people.  Historically, spiritual freedom was curtailed through the very violent attempt by the catholic church to control what people believed, to the extent of killing people whose beliefs were not in line with the teachings of the church.  This was what led to the very bloody inquisitions and crusades.  The idea that people should be forced to believe what certain people say is the only acceptable truth resulted in the abuse of human beings for centuries.  This same attempt to impose beliefs upon people was used during colonial times when colonialism went hand in hand with the Christianisation of populations.   The purpose was to get the people to willingly accept subjugation by giving them teachings that reinforced this such as being submissive, accepting authority that was supposedly imposed by God and accepting suffering with the idea that there was a better life waiting in heaven.  

Today, spiritual freedom is not curtailed quite so brutally but there are still hidden ways in which our spiritual freedom is suppressed.  A very effective way is through shaming or mocking someone for the beliefs they hold.  Many people today are reluctant to share their spiritual beliefs because if they do not conform to the mainstream, they become victims of mockery.  Another way this is done is through shunning someone who attempts to explore other beliefs that are outside what is considered the norm in the society in which they live.  Converting to a different religion is considered a betrayal which results in being made an outcast by family and friends.  We also have the idea that one should convert to a certain religion in order to marry someone from that religion.  This gives the impression that what you believe makes you different in some way, but the reality is that people are just people no matter what they believe.  At the end of the day, we all want the same things.  To live peaceful, happy and fulfilled lives.

Protecting your freedom

Because most people do not understand freedom in its truest sense, it becomes very easy for those who want to control us to redefine freedom and then get us to believe that we are free while in reality, we are not.  By defining freedom as the ability to do what you are supposed to do, people live entire lives without freedom while being under the illusion that they are free.  We assume that so long as we can go to work and earn a living and take care of ourselves and our families, we are free.  But we don’t understand that this life has been defined for us by someone else and we cannot easily go outside this very narrow definition of what life is supposed to be.  When we try to spread our wings and experience ourselves the way God intended us to experience ourselves, that’s when we discover that we are not free at all.  Once we understand the true definition of freedom, we can start looking at the world we live in and seeing all the expressions of non-freedom around us.  Then we can start speaking out about the many things that are happening around us that move the world towards less and less freedom. 

On a personal level, we need to take charge of our lives and reject all subtle forms of control.  We may not be immediately able to do away with all forms of control, but there are some small things that we allow to chip away at our freedom without being conscious of what is happening.  For example, we always complain about big tech taking away our freedom, but are they in any way forcing us to use their platforms?  No, we do this willingly and in the process, allow them to control us.  Why use google as a search engine for example when there are alternatives like DuckDuckGo that do not collect or store your data?  Why do you need to be on Facebook or Twitter when they disrespect their users so much that they feel they have a right to control what they can or can’t read? 

We also need to stand up for our right to be different from everyone else and to be our authentic selves.  Just because everyone is going in a certain direction doesn’t mean they are all right.  They could very well be all wrong.  So, we must reserve the right to do what feels right to us and ignore those who try to get us back into the herd.  We need to share our views, opinions and ideas freely through blogs, books or whatever other means we have at our disposal.  The interesting thing about this planet is that the lowest people, the ones with the worst ideas, the ones who pull everyone down are the ones who are the most aggressive in sharing their opinions with the entire world.  You find them everywhere claiming to be experts and sharing their opinions and negative ideas with everyone.  They have no problem spreading their negativity.  On the other hand, the most positive, enlightened people feel unworthy, they feel that their ideas are stupid, they feel that no one is interested in hearing from them and they keep their ideas to themselves.  This ensures that the planet is filled with negativity while the light stays hidden under the bed.

Hatred of the Mother Flame

When my eldest daughter was around four years old, I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up.  She replied that she wanted to be a mother…of a hundred children.  At such a tender age, she was able to observe the mother flame or energy in action and knew it was something she wanted to become one day.  Most women know from a very young age that they want to become mothers one day.  It is almost an inborn thing.  No one needs to tell you that motherhood is something you should want.  It’s a desire we are born with.  All that love, energy and attention we have within us need somewhere to be channelled to.  All the wisdom we acquire and life lessons we learn need someone to whom we can pass them on.  Motherhood is a beautiful, wondrous thing and despite how difficult it can get, it is the fulfilment of a deep longing within us.  The planet itself would not exist without that loving, nurturing, birthing mother energy that ensures the survival of the species. It is something that should be honoured, celebrated and embraced by all. 

Sadly, the mother energy is one of the most hated energies on this planet, second only perhaps to the feminine energy.  It beats all logic why this energy should be so despised given the fact that we would not survive as a species without it.  As soon as one gives birth, they suddenly come face to face with this intense hatred directed at motherhood that one would never have imagined existed before they had children.  The problem is that we have co-existed with it for so long that we almost don’t see it at all.  But it is all around us and it hits one like a ton of bricks as soon as the initial joy of giving birth starts subsiding.   Those who don’t have children may wonder what I am talking about while those who do have children may not be aware of just how intense this hatred is because we have lived with it for so long that it became the only way we know how to exist.  But I can assure you that whether you sense it or not, there is intense hatred of the mother energy on this planet and it is something we need to become aware of if we are to rise above it.

… I can assure you that whether you sense it or not, there is intense hatred of the mother energy on this planet and it is something we need to become aware of if we are to rise above it.

Let’s start with what a woman is faced with once she becomes a mother.  In our African context, once you become a mother you are considered damaged goods.  In other words, it becomes very hard for someone to want you as a wife if you already have children.  It’s almost as if the children soil you in some way.  What a shameful attitude.  How is it possible that going through the most beautiful, life-giving experience somehow makes you damaged goods?  And yet this is an attitude that is prevalent in Africa and other parts of the world.  We have grown so accustomed to this attitude that we don’t even question it.  The more children you have, the less valuable you become.  A lot of men here say that they could maybe accept a woman with one child but not more than that.  And they consider themselves heroes for the fact that they can accept a woman with one child.  This is something you hear stated all the time, but do we ever stop to ask ourselves where this attitude, this intense hatred of the mother energy comes from?  Why do we accept it as if it was the most normal attitude for a person to have?  How comes we don’t have the same attitude towards fathers?   Men who have children do not have a corresponding hatred directed towards them.  Why would we hate the very energy that nurtures us and brings forth life on the planet?  It beats all logic.  The message this sends to women is that motherhood makes them less desirable, less valuable and less attractive.  You can imagine the cognitive dissonance this causes women.  On the one hand, you look forward to becoming a mother but on the other hand, you know that once you become a mother you are quite literally “damaged”.

There are many other ways mothers are devalued and we have become so accustomed to it that we don’t even stop to question it.  Bringing up a child is no joke; it is hard work especially in the early days.  But mothers have to do this alone unless they happen to have a supportive husband which is rare.  This is why some women end up getting postpartum depression and society just acts as if there is something wrong with them for getting depressed after giving birth.  But the miracle I think is that not all women end up depressed after giving birth.  It’s worse in the modern age because the extended family structure has been broken. This is especially true in the west where people are brainwashed into thinking that it is a sin to live with your extended family.  We are supposed to be “independent”. Everyone is supposed to move out of their parents’ houses as quickly as possible and any delay in doing so is judged harshly by society.  Older parents are quickly sent to expensive care homes, which makes no sense because the extended family structure is the very one that would offer support, especially to mothers.  Why is it that we work so hard to arrange society in the most inconvenient way possible?  It just beats all logic.

We need to question some of these beliefs we hold so dearly and ask ourselves where they came from.  Who benefits when society is broken up and support structures dismantled?  Think about it.  Without support structures, people need to work non-stop looking for food, rent, clothing and other basic needs.  We literally have to work to live, all so that we can work some more.  We do not have the luxury to stop running the treadmill.  Who benefits the most from this?  Well, just follow the money as they say.  The ones who make money off of everyone remaining on the treadmill are the ones who benefit the most from the break up of the extended family structure.  Plain and simple, it’s the elites.  The industrialists, the factory owners, the business owners.  They’re the ones who brainwashed us into believing that we need to be independent, we need to be on our own.  This ensures we get trapped in the nine to five routine that benefits them while hurting us.  Have you ever wondered why babies have to be trained from birth to be independent by leaving them alone in their rooms to cry it out?  It’s because independence is a very unnatural thing that goes counter to how we are created as human beings.  We are created to be close to each other and live in oneness with each other.   The only way this instinct can be broken is by brutally training a child from birth to learn that there is no one coming, they are on their own and they have to learn to survive on their own. 

Another way we see this hatred of the mother energy is in the way women are treated at the workplace once they have children.  I remember when I interviewed for my first job, one of the questions I was asked was whether I intended to get children.  Naturally, I said yes and although this didn’t stop me from getting the job, it just exposed the negative attitude employers have towards motherhood.  It is an inconvenience, an unwelcome interruption for the organisation.  When I was expecting my third child, my boss called me aside for a pep-talk.  Had I considered a more effective form of birth control?  Could my husband maybe consider getting the snip?  I wish I was making this up but I’m not.  This was an actual conversation I had with my boss.  As you can imagine, motherhood was anything but celebrated at my workplace even though they made a few token efforts to show their support of motherhood such as introducing a creche for new mothers.  But the underlying attitude was one of irritation at having to make the necessary adjustments to accommodate a pregnant worker.  I don’t blame my former employer because this attitude is merely representative of the attitude in the wider community.  The negative attitude towards mothers needs to be changed at the wider community level.  No amount of superficial “benefits” by employers can disguise the underlying hatred of the mother energy that is present in society.

What about the hit mothers take to their careers once they start getting children?  If we lived in a society that supported motherhood this would not be the case.  Employers would willingly make the adjustments necessary to support motherhood, from flexitime to working from home to part-time work to job sharing without punishing mothers by withholding promotions or making them feel like they are not fully committed to the job because they have other responsibilities to attend to.  This expectation employers have that people should be one hundred per cent committed to their jobs is simply ridiculous and it’s unclear why we tolerate it.  Employers do not expect employees to even hint at having other things in life apart from their jobs.  You do whatever is expected of you, you come in early and leave late and work over weekends if you have to.  It is almost as if we were put on this earth solely to be employees and nothing else matters.  It is considered a sin to even look like you have other priorities in life apart from your employer.  It is completely unreasonable what employers expect of their employees.  Even taking a sick child to the hospital is considered a waste of precious employer time.  HOW DID WE GET HERE?!

This expectation employers have that people should be one hundred per cent committed to their jobs is simply ridiculous and it’s unclear why we tolerate it. 

Another form of hatred of the mother energy is the hatred that is directed towards our mother earth.  If you consider that the planet is our mother because it nurtures us and provides for our needs, then you’ll realize that many among us have an intense hatred towards the earth.   There are people whose attitude towards the earth is one of wanting to loot and plunder and mine and extract until everything is finished and the land is laid bare.  They have no love for the earth, no desire to preserve or protect and no remorse for their destructive activities.  Left to their own devices, these people would continue mindlessly robbing the planet of all that is good until we have no planet left to live in.  These people cut down forests and release toxic gases into the air which mess up the environment and cause the climate change we are all panicking about.  They release waste products into the oceans with no concern for the damage they cause.  They mindlessly pursue profit over everything and will continue doing so unless they are stopped by those who care for the planet.  They produce more and more nuclear weapons with no regard for how this endangers us all.  They have no conscience and will not stop until everything on the planet is destroyed.  What is this attitude if not hatred of the mother energy?  How do you destroy that which nurtures you and is the only home we have?

We need to wake up and become conscious of the intense mother hatred that is present on this planet and refuse to continue existing in such a toxic, self-defeating environment.  We need to protect mothers, honour them, support them and surround them with love as they undertake this very important role of bringing forth life.  We need to reject all forms of mother hatred including hatred of the planet because without it we will not have a home.