Tag Archives: Google

How to Survive the Global Elites’ Attempted Coup

They have tried to disguise their plans with several innocuous-sounding euphemisms.   The Great Reset.  The Fourth Industrial Revolution.  The New World Order.  Agenda 21.  Transhumanism.  They make it all sound so good.  The utopia we have always dreamt of, finally here.  No more poverty.  No more hunger.  No more disease.  No more ageing.   Who could argue with that?  A perfect world where all our hopes and dreams finally come true.  Except, what they promise is not what they will ultimately deliver.  The road to their utopia will be strewn with our bodies and will end up in our enslavement.  They are not trying to solve world problems but to take control of the world and run it, whether we like it or not.  If you think all this sounds extreme, then you haven’t been paying attention.  Our world is gradually and incrementally being taken over by a small group of elites who want nothing less than our total and unconditional submission.  All the senseless things that are happening in the world today like the brutal restrictions on our freedoms and the attempt to push the world towards World War III are all part of the global elites’ attempt to forcefully take over the world.  They want to destroy our spirits so that we quietly submit to whatever they plan to do.

Anyone who has watched the Netflix show House of Cards will be familiar with how the elites weaponize fear to control people.  The Underwoods who are the protagonists in the show frequently turned to threats of terror attacks to win elections and distract people from their scandals.  Fear is a very effective weapon and the elites know this very well.  When people are afraid, they set aside their rational thinking and become easily manipulated and controlled.  We are seeing this same playbook being used against us, especially over the last few years.  The whole climate change narrative is meant to scare us into allowing the elites to introduce whatever changes they want to bring.  The covid-19 pandemic is being aggressively weaponised to subdue the global population.  From lockdowns to social distancing to face masks, we are being forced to give up our autonomy and submit to infringements on our basic rights.  Other events we see unfolding today like the war in Ukraine and the fuel shortages around the world are meant to break our spirits and bring us closer to the global elites’ utopia which is whereby they have total control of every aspect of our lives.

Fear is a very effective weapon and the elites know this very well.  When people are afraid, they set aside their rational thinking and become easily manipulated and controlled.

To survive the global elites’ attempted coup, we need to have strategies that will make it impossible for them to control us as well as strategies for healing ourselves.  Below are some suggestions.

Stop following the news

The mainstream media is owned by and functions for the benefit of the global elite.  They long ago realized that if they wanted to control the masses, they had to own the news.  Therefore, everything we hear in the mainstream media is nothing more than propaganda.  They do everything they can to give us a vision of the world that serves their purpose.  They program us to see the world the way they want us to see it.  They manipulate us into accepting the changes they are implementing and seeing them as either inevitable or the natural course of evolution.  They use the media to spread fear which makes us more pliable.  Gone are the days when we could trust the media to tell us the truth and keep the government in check.  Today the media is owned by the elites and serves their agendas.  We saw how the established media was used to spread fear during the covid-19 pandemic.  This was not accidental.  The non-stop coverage of the pandemic and the fearful statistics were meant to break our spirits and make us easier to control.  This strategy is still going on today with the non-stop coverage of wars, disasters and other crises.  How do you survive this?  Well, the only way they can get to you is if you allow them to do so by giving them your attention.  Most of us have been programmed to believe that we need to always be up to date with what is happening around us.  There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but if someone decides to weaponize this by only feeding us garbage, then it is time to cut off the ties.  They can’t break your spirit if you simply stop listening to them.  They can’t feed you propaganda if you are not paying attention.  At the end of the day, we have all the power.  They can only take away our power if we give it to them.  So, take back your power by refusing to listen to their fear-mongering.  You will find that your mental health improves, your anxiety goes away and you feel at peace with the world.

Free yourself from Google

Google is no longer the source of knowledge it used to be.  Today, it is nothing more than an anti-knowledge tool for the elites.  Check out what Zach Vorhies, the google whistle-blower has to say about google here.  When you search using google, their algorithms make sure you only get to see whatever they want you to see.  Any information that does not serve their agenda is suppressed.  Any information that goes against their agenda is hidden in the darkest corners of the internet where it never sees the light of day.  This is censorship at its worst, no better than the book burning that used to happen in the dark ages.  Who made google the gods who can discern what is and what isn’t truth?  How will humanity ever evolve if new ideas that don’t serve the elites are suppressed?  If we allow such people to take over, we will not only stop evolving but will surely start devolving because the only ideas that will be allowed are those that make them more money and give them more power.  Google has completely taken over our lives and is steering us in the wrong direction, but the good news is we can free ourselves from google.  We chose to hand over control to google and we can undo this choice today.  There are many alternatives to google out there.  Use Duckduckgo instead of Google as your default search engine.   Use other web browsers such as Firefox, Brave or Opera instead of Chrome.  Avoid phones with Google’s Android operating system which has become more and more invasive and instead use other mobile operating systems such as Symbian (Nokia phones). 

Quit social media

Social media today is not just a way for people to keep in touch with each other.  Big tech, because they are driven by greed for profits and power naturally found a way to monetize our attention.  We, the users are now the product.  The more time you spend on social media, the more money they make off you.  It doesn’t matter how unhealthy this is for you.  They will do whatever it takes to keep your attention.  This means filling your newsfeed with things that will cause an emotional reaction in you – anger, anxiety, fear, envy – it doesn’t matter to them.  They don’t care if you become a nervous wreck or get depressed.  They will keep feeding you with more of the things that keep you glued to your screen.  How do you survive this?  It’s easy, just quit social media and stay away from their attempts to control you.  Instead of relying on your social media feed for news, find one or two reliable voices of truth and subscribe to them.  Then kick Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tik Tok and all the rest out of your life.  You don’t need them and you will manage just fine without them.  In reality, they need you; it’s just unfortunate that they can’t help but use you and abuse you.

Protect your mental health

The global elites have thrown all caution to the wind and taken off their kiddy gloves in their effort to take over the world.  They believe that using fear and other mind control techniques will give them the control they lust for.  They see us as nothing more than sheeple to be driven this way and that way until we fall in line with their desired end goal.  As far as they are concerned, it is time for their grand plan, their Great Reset, to come to fruition.  Now more than ever, we need to protect our mental health from the non-stop disaster news cycles and the other techniques they are using to scare us into submission.  To protect your mental health, find a healing practice that suits you and make time for it preferably every week.  Meditation, therapy, journaling, music, exercise or yoga are some practices you could engage in.  You could also engage in artistic pursuits such as painting, pottery, dance, etc.  Whatever you decide to do, make time for it and prioritize it.  It has never been more important to protect your mental health because there is a deliberate effort to destroy it.

Spend time in nature

People are much more stressed today than they were in previous ages.  Balancing work and family has never been easy, but as economies get destroyed by the elites, life is becoming even more difficult.  In their determined quest to rule the world, they will stop at nothing.  They lack empathy and experience no guilt for their actions, therefore they will continue pushing humanity toward the edge until they achieve what they want, no matter how many lives get destroyed in the process.  In the global south, they are using the IMF to destroy economies that were already weak, to begin with.  During the covid-19 pandemic, the IMF gave loans to poorer countries on condition that they implement destructive covid restrictions on their populations.  In this way, they managed to make a bad situation even worse by causing people to lose their jobs and businesses to shut down.  This is the same IMF that forced structural adjustment programs (SAPs) on poor countries in the 90s, forcing civil servants out of their jobs and causing a collapse in the standard of living of most of the middle class.  In the end, the more they squeeze us the faster we have to run just to remain in the same place.  This can have devastating effects on our health.  One way to heal ourselves is to spend more time communing with nature; soaking in the sun, watching the clouds and listening to the birds.  Human beings have been made to feel as if they don’t belong in nature, as if they are separate from the world they live in.  We are made to feel like intruders in a world that would be better off without us.  The truth is that God gave us this planet as a platform for our growth.  Therefore, we are not intruders but one with nature. 

One way to heal ourselves is to spend more time communing with nature; soaking in the sun, watching the clouds and listening to the birds. 

Let go of toxic people

Last but not least, we need to let go of the toxic people in our lives.  These are the people who take away our energy and our joy.  They suck us dry with their criticism, their negative projections and their need for attention.  At this time when everything is stacked up against us, the last thing we need is anyone taking away our energy.  This is the time to ruthlessly cut off the energy vampires, those narcissists in our lives who are there for no other reason than to steal our light.  If you have anyone in your life who pulls you down, who consistently makes you feel bad, whom you have to keep explaining yourself to or who just won’t let you be, then it is time to cut them loose.  You don’t need them; they need you because they need your light.  But you are under no obligation to feed them your light because you need every ounce of energy to survive the vicious attack we are undergoing.  Ask God to expose to you the people in your life who are covert narcissists who take away your energy without you knowing it.  You might be surprised to find that the people you consider close friends or even family members fall in this category.  Read my article Unmasking the Covert Narcissist for more information on this.