Tag Archives: totalitarianism

Mass Hypnosis and Global Totalitarianism

Mass hypnosis – the means

Once upon a time, an ant was sitting on a giant rotating wheel thinking to itself that something felt off.  The ant knew that something big was happening, something important, but for the life of it, it couldn’t tell what it was.  All it knew was that whatever was happening was going to impact it in a big way.  While the ant was sitting there pondering what it could be, the giant wheel finally reached the point where the ant was about to meet the ground.  Suddenly, the ant knew what was happening, but it was too late.  It was crushed under the giant wheel.  Of late, human beings are starting to look a lot like that ant.  We know that something big is happening, something important, something that will impact our lives, but we just can’t connect the dots.  Everything seems to be changing but we don’t know where this is going.  Some are calling it the great reset while others are calling it the new world order.  It is almost as if a giant hand is manipulating events, pushing humanity in a certain direction, only we don’t know whose hand it is or which direction it is pushing us towards. 

If you have been following the debate, you may have heard the term “mass formation” or “mass formation psychosis” used with regards to the covid-19 pandemic.  For the sake of clarity, I will simply call it “mass hypnosis”.   Hypnosis is can be defined as an altered state of mind in which the subject has reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestions.  Mass hypnosis happens when hypnosis takes place on a large scale as in a population or on a global scale.  Many have been quick to dismiss this phenomenon, but these are the people who usually dismiss whatever they do not understand.  We all know that mass hypnosis is a reality – human beings can be hypnotized at mass scale – and we need look no further than Hitler’s rallies in which the crowds were rendered into a hypnotic state that made them willing to accept without question his insane ideas.  We also know about mob psychology which is whereby a group of people commit crimes they would never have committed on their own.  It is almost as if something takes over and causes them to act as one by taking on the psychology of the lowest among them.  We also know that mass hypnosis plays a role in cults whereby people are manipulated using psychological means to do whatever the cult leader wants them to do. 

For mass hypnosis to be induced, four conditions must exist in the target population:

  • Loneliness (lack of social bonds)
  • Lack of meaning in life
  • Generalized anxiety (anxiety with no apparent cause)
  • Generalized frustration and aggression

Once these conditions are met, the population is ripe for mass hypnosis.  All one has to do is provide an enemy that people can direct their anxiety, frustration and aggression towards and then provide the solution that will defeat the enemy.  This narrative has to be repeated over and over again until people accept it as the truth.  This is something the Nazi propaganda guru Joseph Goebbels knew well:

“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth” ~ Joseph Goebbels

This constant repetition eventually induces hypnosis by fixating people’s attention (narrowing down awareness to a single point of attention) and bypassing the rational, analytical mind.

Long before the covid-19 pandemic started, the world was already in a state of unrest.  Everywhere you looked, people were demonstrating against their governments, demanding change and protesting against perceived injustices.  Life was becoming more and more difficult following the 2008 global financial crash.  Purchasing power was decreasing and people could no longer survive comfortably on their salaries.  People were forced to put in more hours just to maintain the same standard of living.  The climate change narrative was being aggressively pushed to explain everything from droughts to wildfires to melting ice caps to changing weather patterns.  Social ties were weakening by the day as more and more people retreated online.  People everywhere felt lonely and isolated.  It felt like the world had reached a breaking point.  Then in 2020, the covid-19 pandemic started.  Suddenly, our attention was focused narrowly on the pandemic, to the exclusion of everything else.  The mainstream media went into overdrive, pounding our collective consciousness 24/7 with news of the virus.  Everyone had to stay home and normal social ties were abruptly broken.  Nothing else mattered.  It didn’t matter that businesses were shutting down, economies were collapsing, people were overdosing on drugs or others were committing suicides.  It didn’t matter that schools had been shut down, domestic violence was on the rise, people were lonely and scared and relatives were dying without saying goodbye to their loved ones.  All that mattered was the virus and protecting ourselves from it.  Then to everyone’s relief, a solution was found.  Vaccines. 

This constant repetition eventually induces hypnosis by fixating people’s attention (narrowing down awareness to a single point of attention) and bypassing the rational, analytical mind.

I’m sure by now you can see where I’m going with this.  If you look at the description of mass hypnosis above, you will see a stunning similarity between what has been happening over the past few years and mass hypnosis.  Humanity was ripe for mass hypnosis by 2020 following years of instability, unrest, anxiety, loneliness and frustration.  The covid-19 narrative was the perfect problem to fixate our attention and vaccines the perfect solution to this problem.  This was drummed into us by the mainstream media.  Dissent was not allowed.  Anything contrary to what the authorities were saying was labelled as misinformation and big tech did their part to stop its spread. 

But the question is why?  Why would anyone go to all this trouble to hypnotise us?  What do they stand to gain?  This is unfortunately a naïve question that arises from a lack of understanding of the world we live in.  We live in a world where a group of elites who consider themselves better than ordinary human beings are constantly trying to take control of the planet.  Remember the cartoons we watched as kids where a supervillain would try to take over the world?  Yeah, that’s real.  We live in a world where a group of psychopaths driven by greed and the desire for control are willing to do whatever it takes to rule over humanity.  These beings have one desire and one desire only – to become our masters while we serve them and do their bidding.  As far as they are concerned, heaven on earth will happen when they have total control of every aspect of our lives.  This is their dream and the reason why the world is being aggressively hijacked.  Their goal is global totalitarianism with them as the rulers of humanity.

Global totalitarianism – the end

Totalitarianism is a form of government and political system that prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control and regulation over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism. Hannah Arendt in her book The Origins of Totalitarianism gives fascinating insights into totalitarianism using the example of Hitler and Stalin.  Anyone interested in knowing more about totalitarianism should read her book.  The important thing to understand about totalitarianism is that it seeks the complete domination of humanity, but the logical conclusion of this extreme domination is the destruction of life.  The people behind totalitarianism are against God, against human beings and against life itself.  The ultimate expression of this intense hatred is the destruction of life.  Totalitarianism is the anti-Christ we have all been taught to believe is coming.  It is a force that wants to destroy life because the extreme hatred that is behind it will not be satisfied with anything less.

The important thing to understand about totalitarianism is that it seeks the complete domination of humanity, but the logical conclusion of this extreme domination is the destruction of life.  The people behind totalitarianism are against God, against human beings and against life itself. 

According to Hannah Arendt,

“Totalitarian movements are mass organisations of atomized, isolated individuals.  Compared with all other parties and movements, their most conspicuous characteristic is their demand for total, unrestricted, unconditional and unalterable loyalty of the individual member.  This demand is made by the leaders of totalitarian movements even before they seize power.  It usually precedes the total organization of the country under their actual rule and it follows from the claim of their ideologies that their organisation will encompass, in due course, the entire human race.”

From this description, we can observe a few things. 

  • Totalitarian movements are made up of atomized, isolated individuals.  If we connect this to the current situation on the planet, we see that human beings were already becoming more and more isolated before the covid-19 pandemic, but this was made worse and brutally enforced during the pandemic.  This lays the groundwork for a totalitarian movement to be instituted.
  • Totalitarian movements demand the total, unrestricted, unconditional and unalterable loyalty of the individual member.  For this to happen, the individual has to be in a state in which they feel helpless and look up to an authority for protection and direction.  Any voice of dissent is ruthlessly shut down as we are seeing today.  Only the authorities can know the truth; anything else is misinformation and must be kept from the people.
  • The ideology of the totalitarian movement is that their organisation will encompass, in due course, the entire human race.  What we see today is an attempt to bring the entire human race into a totalitarian movement.  There is a deliberate attempt to bring the entire planet under totalitarian rule.  This is why we see mass hypnosis being carried out on a global scale under the pretext of covid-19.

Totalitarianism has several features that all work together to take the masses closer and closer into the desired state of complete loyalty to the leaders and their ideologies (these ideologies are merely a pretext for gaining power.  Once in power, these ideologies are promptly forgotten as the true nature of totalitarianism makes itself known).  One feature of totalitarianism is the use of terror to create a “mass man”.  A mass man is an individual who is completely isolated from others – friends, family, acquittances – and has no social ties.  This mass man is completely loyal to the movement to the point of losing his sense of self.  One feature of the mass man is that he is no longer concerned with self-preservation.  He is willing to lose his very life for the sake of the party.  This state is similar to that of someone in a cult who completely loses their identity to the point of being willing to die.  In totalitarianism, the creation of the mass man is done by terrorizing people into submission.  In Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Russia, this was done through mass murder.  Today, the mass man is being created through psychological warfare – the relentless bombardment of human beings with one fearful event after the other – climate change, covid-19 and now the threat of nuclear war.  The result is that people become fearful, isolated and lose any sense of self-preservation.  Once in this state, it is possible to get people to do whatever the leaders want.  Their internal defences are destroyed.

Another feature of totalitarianism is the complete indifference to mass interest.  In the case of Stalin, the illogical destruction of agricultural systems in the name of collectivisation led to mass starvation and deaths. Today, we see this same lack of mass interest in the response to covid-19.  Lockdowns led to mass job losses, closure of businesses, destruction of economies and mental health problems.  The authorities did not care – protecting humanity from the virus was more important than whatever destruction ensued.  This complete lack of empathy reveals the true nature of the covid-19 response.  It was not motivated by compassion but was meant to bring humanity one step closer to global totalitarianism.

Another feature of totalitarianism is the gradual loss of freedom.  One big disadvantage human beings have that works against them is their ability to adapt.  As long as something happens very very slowly, as far as we are concerned, nothing is happening.  In reality, what is happening is that without realizing it we continually adapt to new ways of being.  Eventually, we even forget that we ever existed in any other way.  This weakness has been used against us by those who are aware of this tendency of human beings to continually adapt.  It has been used to take away our freedoms without us realizing what is happening.  Over a very long time, human beings have given up their freedom of movement by accepting the concept of borders which in reality are prison walls that are far away enough that we don’t realize that we are in prison.  Our freedom of movement was further curtailed during the covid-19 pandemic through the lockdowns, the closing down of borders and vaccine passports.  These very aggressive measures were used to see just how far the elites could go.  We already agreed to be imprisoned in our countries, but could they go further and lock us in our houses?  Our freedom of speech is similarly being eroded through censorship and algorithms.  Our right to refuse medical treatments is being eroded by the forced vaccines.  This is totalitarianism in action, only they are no longer using guns to take away our freedom but psychological warfare. 

Today, we are seeing the global elites transition from covid-19 to a new form of psychological warfare – the threat of nuclear war.  Will this threat turn into reality?  We don’t know.  If it does, it will just be another step forward in the madness that is totalitarianism.  Our only hope is that enough of us wake up from our slumber and resist this march towards destruction.  But if we continue watching from a distance hoping that they will stop themselves, we will be shocked at just how far they are willing to go. The problem with totalitarianism is that it does not know when to stop – it just keeps going until it enters a self-sustaining downward spiral that cannot be stopped.  In the end, when the totalitarian leaders take over, their true intentions will be revealed – the destruction of life.